Chapter 7

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What's up guys? Sorry for not updating yesterday,I got lazy. Thank you guys so much for the comments and votes on the story! Y'all are awesome! Let me know what y'all think about this chapter and I hope y'all enjoy it!

Lauren's POV
So the rest of the glee club meeting went by kind of quick after me and Austin were partnered together. We only spoke long enough to agree to meet up during our free period in the glee room so we could discuss a song and rehearse it. I have a feeling it won't go that well, but we'll see.

So this morning I woke up to a suprise in my pants. I never thought I would wake up to morning wood, considering I don't like guys, but then again I also never thought I would wake up as a guy either. Yeah, that was kind of awkward to take care of.

Anyway, moving on. This morning I take precaution and pack at least 5 outfits just in case dorito decides to send any slushy attacks. I don't have to worry about gym today since I have that class every other day, so my balls are safe for now. Well, hopefully they're safe for now. I head down to the kitchen after getting ready for school. I walk into the kitchen and see that Uncle B made some toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon which smells awesome.

"Morning Uncle B." I say before I start stuffing my face.

"Morning kid. I just realized that we may have a problem next week." I look at him confused. "Your parents, Chris, and Taylor are coming to see you at nationals in LA next week." My eyes widen. I completely forgot about nationals with me turning into a dude. "Yeah so if your not back to normal, I'm going to have to try to explain to my brother how you ended up a guy under my watch. I can already feel his glare now." Uncle B shudders a little bit at the thought.

"I'll figure something out Uncle B, hopefully." We leave for LA next Wednesday since the competition starts on Thursday. We don't know which day we perform so hopefully I'm back to normal before my parents see me.

"Please do. Even if your dad said he wanted another son, I don't think he meant like this." We laugh a little before we hear a honk outside.

"Is Dinah driving today?" I nod.

"Yup so I gotta go. Love you!" I grab my bag and hug him before heading towards the door.

"Love you too kid! Try not to get hit in the balls today! Never thought I say that." I smile shaking my head at him and head over to Dinah's car. I hop in the backseat and Dinah goes to take off before I even get into the car fully.

"You could have at least waited until I was in the car Dinah." I glare at her and she just smirks.

"Sorry Curls." She says while not looking apologetic at all. "I'm just excited, I can't wait 'til tonight!"

"What's going on tonight?" Did I miss something?

"Demi's having a glee party tonight since her parents are out of town." Mani explains to me.

"Who has a party on a Thursday?" Seriously, they couldn't wait one more day until the weekend?

"Who cares, we get to drink!" Dinah exclaims while her and Mani high five. I was kind of iffy about this party since the last time we had a glee party, the house we were at almost burned down because of a drunken dare.

"I take it I'm the designated driver." I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yep, and we're crashing at your place tonight so give Uncle B a heads up." Dinah says as we pull up to the school and we get out. It's a good thing we all have clothes at each others houses.

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