Chapter 1

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Hi there again if you decided to take a chance on this story and are actually reading this! I'm mainly excited about this chapter just because of the picture above. I love Lauren's face. I feel like she was thinking 'fuck that dorito looking asshole, why the fuck is he here'. Anyway, on with the story.

Lauren's POV
I get to school with at least ten minutes before I have to be in homeroom. I was close to my locker when I get tackled, literally, from behind causing me and the person to fall. I have a pretty strong guess on who my attacker is.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUSER!" And my attacker is who I thought it might be, my best friend Dinah Jane. Dinah is my tall, tan, and built but beautiful Polynesian best friend that also happened to be crushing the air out of my lungs at this moment.

"Can't breath." I tried to tell her.

"My bad birthday girl", she tells me as she gets up then helps me up by yanking me off the ground, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She hugs me tightly after helping me off the ground. Dinah is always excited on mine or Mani's birthdays.

Speaking of Mani,"Dinah, let the poor girl breathe or she won't make it to her next birthday", she laughs as she walks up to us. Dinah lets go of me to give her girlfriend a small peck on the lips.

"Sorry and morning babe", Dinah grins at her.

"Morning to you too", Mani grins back then turns and gives me a hug, "Happy Birthday Lo!" Normani, aka Mani, is my other best friend. Mani is shorter than Dinah, built from her years of dancing, and is also beautiful.

"Thanks guys. Hey do y'all want to stay over tonight after our little party?"

"I can't, I have babysitting duty tonight", Dinah sighs. She has a lot of little siblings she watches often but she loves her family more than life itself.

"I can't either Lo. I have to help my parents with something at the church."

"Maybe we could have a sleepover on the weekend then", I suggest and they both agree.

"Unless", Dinah starts off grinning mischievously.

Oh God, what crazy thing is she thinking.
"Unless what?"

"Unless you finally man up and ask Camila to go out with you sometime this weekend, you could even tell her that that's what you want for your birthday." Dinah's says still grinning and Mani is nodding in agreement.

"Yeah Lo, you should just go for it."

"You guys seem to be forgetting about a couple of things with that."

"What?" Dinah looks confused now.

"Well for starters, we don't even know if she's into girls, let alone me-"

"Anybody would love to go out you though, you've got looks and brains!", Dinah cuts me off.

"Thank you but y'all are also forgetting the fact that she has a boyfriend. You know Austin Mahone, dorito boy, fuckface?", as you can see I don't particularly like Austin.

"Oh yeah, but I'm pretty sure you could get her to dump his sorry dorito looking ass to go out with you", Dinah looks confident as she says this.

"No she wouldn't. And if she's happy I wouldn't want to ruin that." I may not like Austin but he makes her happy, even if he does some really stupid things.

"Well apparently he isn't making her that happy if she broke up with him over the weekend", Mani chimed in.

"Where did you hear that?" And why didn't she bother to tell me sooner?

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