Chapter 10

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Hello there beautiful people! You guys are seriously amazing with the voting and commenting! So thank you for being amazing! I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter. So if y'all want to find out what Camila says then I guess I better stop typing up here! Enjoy!

Lauren's POV
I feel like I'm gonna pass out right now. I finally asked Camila out and- wait I think she's talking so I should probably pay attention.

"I can't, I'm sorry." I can feel my heart shattering. This is why I didn't want to ask her. Rejection is a bitch.

"O-oh it's cool. I guess I'll just see you Monday." I turn to walk away but she grabs my wrist to stop me.

"Harry, it's not you it's me." I look at her confused and she lets out a giggle causing me to almost crack a smile. "I'm sorry that was really cliché sounding." She giggles a little more.

"Is this about Austin?" I ask looking down.

"Oh my gosh, no!" I look back up at her and she was looking at me like I lost my mind. "No its definitely not about him. There's someone else." Now I want to just sit in a corner and cry. I slide to sit down on the floor and lean up against the lockers. She takes a seat next to me.

"D-do you mind if I ask who?" I ask her quietly. I don't know why I'm trying to break my heart even more.

"You know how we had assigned partners for the feelings assignment?" She looks over at me.

"Yeah you got stuck with me because your partner was out." I smile a little at her and she smiles back nudging me.

"Well my original partner was a girl named Lauren Jauregui. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I look at her in suprise. If she thought that about me she clearly hasn't looked in a mirror. "When you meet this girl, her eyes will blow you away because they're so green it's unreal." She blushes a little before clearing her throat. "Anyway, I was really looking forward to working with her because I was going to sing a song to tell her how I feel." Say what now? If she is trying to say what I think she's trying to say then my heart just might be able to rebuild itself.

"So you like Lauren?" I ask just to be sure.

"Yeah." Well would you look at that, my heart's beating again. "You're not a homophobe right?" She looks over at me. If I was a homophobe, I would be considered a damn hypocrite.

"No, love is love no matter who they are." I tell her with a small smile on my face. "I think this Lauren girl is seriously lucky to have your attention." I say sincerely. I feel kind of bad that she's telling me about her feelings without even knowing it.

"Thank you. I just hope she's back by next week for nationals." She looks hopeful while my eyes widen. I still have to find a way to get back to my old self before I see my parents.

"Yeah hopefully." I stand up and hold my hands out to her so I could help her up. She takes my hands with a grateful smile.

"Thank you and I'm sorry." I nod with a smile.

"It's cool it was worth a shot though." She goes to give me a hug and I hug her back squeezing her a little.

"By the way, I like your tattoo." I look at her confused. "The dragonfly on your neck. I saw it when you turned around." Oh yeah, I had gotten it as a reminder of my grandmother when she passed away. I didn't even think about my tattoo being on this body. "Anyway I'll see you Monday." She smiles and leaves. I just stand there for a minute trying to process everything that's happened so far.

So I wished for a chance with Camila, turned into a guy, fought with Austin more than once because of Camila, asked Camila out, then get rejected because she likes me but girl version. I think I'm going to pass out. Yup and down I go.

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