Chapter 9

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Hey guys! I hope y'all liked the last chapter as much I liked writing it. Thank you guys for the comments and votes on this story! Y'all are awesome! So since I don't really have much to say, here's chapter 9!

Lauren's POV
So after that little fiasco and informing the rest of the club that Austin was no longer in glee, we went to the glee room to get back to work.

"Okay so we have our leads, now why don't we run through the setlist first and then we can move on to choreography." Everybody agrees.

We run through the setlist and decide who else would get a couple of solos in the songs. After going through the songs about two more times we take a break.

"Hey Harry", I look over to see who called me. It turned out to be Becky. She walks over to me. "Thank you for sort of sticking up for me to Austin. I don't even know what I was thinking." She gives me a little smile.

"You're welcome, he shouldn't have taken advantage of your feelings." I give her a sympathetic smile. "Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. I had a tiny crush on him then I heard what he said so that's over with." She says with a little laugh. "Thank you for asking you're really sweet." She smiles at me one more time while squeezing my arm.

I give her a friendly smile, "No problem."

"Well I'm going over there", she points over to her friends,"I'll talk to you later." She smiles and winks before walking away. That was weird.

I glance around and spot Dinah, Mani, Ally, and Camila talking over to the side so I head over to where they are. When Dinah sees me she starts grinning.

"So did Austin quit glee or get kicked out?" Was the first thing she asked.

"Me and Ally are betting that he quit while Dinah and Camila are betting that he got kicked out. Please tell me he quit." Mani says crossing her fingers.

"No, he was kicked out by Mr.Lambert." Dinah and Camila high fived each other and held their hands out. Ally pouted and Mani glared while handing them each a five dollar bill.

"Did you get in any trouble for punching Austin? Even though he deserved it." Ally frowned as she asked this.

"Mr.Lambert just asked if I was sorry for disrupting and if I had learned a lesson, both of which I had said yes to. He just pretty much let me off the hook after that." I shrug before turning to Camila. "I'm sorry he said that stuff about you." I say sincerely. Even though I may not have said it, she shouldn't have had to hear that.

"It's fine, it's not like you said it anyway." She shrugs it off with a smile, but you can still tell it kind of bothered her. I left it alone for now though.

"Okay guys lets run through the set list again!" Mr.Lambert calls us back to work. We sing again until we get a break to eat lunch. Then we go to try to work on choreography.

"Alright Normani and Becky can you two help the others when needed?" They both nod. "Thank you now here are the steps." He goes to show us and we copy him step by step. "Okay, now let's try it with the music. Ready and 5...6...7...8" He counts for us and looks to see if we got it. I struggled a little bit and Becky tried helping me out. I think she was a little closer than she needed to be to help me out though. Eventually I got it down.

By the end of the day all of us were exhausted. "I don't wanna move, can somebody drag me?" Dinah questioned while laying on the floor.

"Well I hope you're all ready to move tomorrow because I want y'all to meet me here to practice more." Mr.Lambert tells us earning him some groans and a couple of glares.

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