Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

"No freakin way," Adam said, crossing his arms and doing his best to ignore Amy's pleading eyes. 

 "Please Adam - just this once. I won't ever ask again!"

 "Motorcycles are dangerous and I'm sure your Mum and Dad wouldn't want you riding on the back of one. I don't even have helmets." 

   It was the morning after Amy's kidnapping and we were on our way to school. Adam was pretty much fully healed by now, but he was still walking with a slight limp. 

  After dinner last night, Artemis had said his goodbyes' not wanting my parents to find him there. My promise to find his father's Scythe seemed to have put him in good Spirits. He had even agreed to allow Adam to keep Scarlet for a little while longer. Hence why Amy was begging to ride on the back of her into school .

 Realising that Adam was not going to be easily swayed, Amy turned to me, puppy dog eyes at maximum power. 

  "Eve...You'll let me ride on the back of Scarlet right?", the puppy dog suddenly transformed into a cunning fox. "If you let me ride on back, I won't have to tell Mum and Dad about what's been going on will I?"

  I stared at her in shock. Since when did she get so clever?

   I sighed and looked at Adam. "Just let her alright? We can't have Dad and Veronica finding about this now can we?"

  Adam rolled his eyes and took a mobile out of his pocket. He dialled a number and held it to his ear.

  "Artemis? Yeah I need another favour. Can you come and give Eve a lift to school? I'm being bribed by a kid."

 "I'm not a kid!" Amy shouted, clearly offended. 

  Adam only shook his head at her and listened for Artemis's reply. "You can? Thanks, see you soon."

  Adam flipped the phone shut and with an exasperated sigh climbed onto Scarlet, who was parked in front of the house. It was a small mercy that Dad hadn't come outside and seen a blood red motorcycle parked a few metres from the wrought iron gate. After yesterday's events, I think the thought of either of his daughters near anything remotely dangerous was enough to give him a heart attack.

"Come on then - climb on," Adam said to Amy. 

  Amy squealed in delight and clambered onto the bike, wrapping her arms tightly around Adam's waist.

  I flinched at the action. Did she need to cling onto him so tightly?

  Also why did it even bother me? It wasn't like I was in love with Adam or anything. I'd only ever love one person. Amy was free to like Adam - heck he could fall in love with her too if he wanted. I'd be fine with it. Absolutely fine...more than fine..

  The sound of another motorcycle speeding towards us provided a necessary distraction from the thoughts inside my head. Artemis pulled up alongside me on a black Harley.

  "What is it with you two and motorcycles?" I asked, somewhat amused.

   Artemis pulled of a black helmet, allowing his long hair to fall soflty about his shoulders. He may have been a Grim Reaper, but he looked more like one of those choir singing angels. 

  Artemis smirked. "Call it a guitly pleasure. We don't have wings but this is the closest we can get to flying."  Well at least the bikes had breaks.

  Adam revved Scarlet's engine. "Come on we need to get going."

   Artemis replaced his helmet and handed me his spare. I pulled it on, buckling it under my chin. With one last prayer that we would reach the end of this journey in one piece, I climbed onto the back of the Harley. 

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