Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It was hard to relax at school that day. Everytime I would change classes, Lucifer or as he was calling himself: 'Alexander Sleuth', seemed to be lurking around every corner.

  The female students fawned over his good looks. The boys over his apparent talent in football which he displayed during a match being two year 11 classes. His help had won the match and the respect of pretty much the entire school - students and teachers' alike.

  Adam had stayed glued to my side the entire day; my only relief from his company was when I stepped into the girls toilet's to answer nature's call.

  It was in the girls' toilets on the second floor, that I now stood hunched over the sink, bracing myself againsts the cold, smooth ceramic of the sink.

  I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I looked tired and drained. 

  It was just my luck to be the so-called reincarnation of Eve. I felt sorry for her really. Human's suffering; war, poverty, crime...we wouldn't have had to endure any of it if she hadn't fallen. 

  All of man's misery was down to her being tempted by an apple on a tree. It had always kind of annoyed me how human kind was referred to as 'man'. Men were just as likely to be tempted as women;  Adam himself was persuaded by Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

  I heaved a heavy sigh and met my Adam outside in the hall.

  "You ok?" he asked for the umpteenth time that day.

  "Fine," I muttered.

  Adam drew to a halt. "Say...I know it's not very 'angel-like', to do this but...How about we skip the rest of classes? I've already called Artemis to bring Scarlet. Let's get away from here for a while."

  I looked at him surprise. Adam really didn't seem like the type to break the rules. 

  "What about Peter? I promised to talk to him after school?"

  "I wouldn't worry about that. Look." Adam gestured towards the window overlooking the quad. 

  Peter was sat slouched on one of the picnic benches. He waved when he saw us looking.

  "Why is he waiting for us?" I asked confused.

  Adam winked. "Maybe he sensed that we were going to leave school and skive off."

  "Come on!" Adam said taking my hand.

  Against my better judegement I followed. It was kind of fun to see Adam so excited. I guess even 400 year old Angels like to rebel every once in a while.

  But who knew could have known that it would be the first and last time I ever got to do something  as stupid as skipping school.


 "Where are we going?" I asked Adam as we hurtled along a busy street. People turned to gawp at us as we whizzed by on a bright red, and rather expensive looking motorbike. 

  Conviently enough, Peter, it turned out could drive. I spotted him behind us in his inconspicuous blue ford fiesta. He was just about managing to keep pace with Adam's speed.

  "Anywhere. Just as long as it far away from that damn Devil. There's no doubt about it - he's planning something. What - I don't know yet." 

  Adam slowed as we approached a red light. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dark shape, flit behind the corner of an off-licence. My skin prickled and I gripped Adam's arm.

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