Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

 "Alright girls have a good day," Dad called from the car.

  "Thanks for the lift," I smiled. 

   "Any time love, " Dad replied and with a final wave, he drove off.

  "Come on Eve," Amy said as we made our way past the school gates. The main road snaked up a hill and led onto a large car park. 

  "Reception is just through there," Amy instructed, pointing to a set of glass double doors at the front of the school. "I'll see you later then."

 With a small wave, Amy hurried away towards a group of girls sat on a bench. They were huddled over a glossy fashion magazine. At Amy's approach they all started chattering and made space for her to sit down

 With a heavy sigh, I headed for the glass doors. People  whispered and stared as I walked over to the main reception. I lowered my head not wanting to meet their curious gazes. I'd never liked being the centre of attention; it always made me nervous.

  "Hello, my name's Eve Saunders. I was told to come and collect my timetable?" I said to the secretary behind a cluttered desk. 

  The women was young and pretty and she handed me a timetable and a map of the school. She even pointed out the best route to my classroom for registration.

  "Have a good first day," she smiled, as I headed for the spiral staircase that led to the first floor. 

   I smiled in return and ascended the staircase. By the time I reached the top, I was pretty dizzy from the sensation of spiralling round and round.  Somehow I managed to find my way to the classroom and taking a deep breath, I opened the door and walked inside.

Apparently I was early as only a handful of students sat at the neat rows of desks. A girl with red hair nudged a boy who looked like he was about to fall asleep. But as his bleary eyes zoomed in on me, he immediately became more alert.

  I approached the teachers desk and cleared my throat slightly. The teacher looked to be middle aged. When she glanced up at me with a stern gaze, I felt myself take an involuntary step back. Jeez... this woman was pretty scary. Her eyes were like lasers scruntinizing my uniform. She was probably hoping that I had gone against the dress code so she could give me detention. 

  "New student I presume?" she said. 

   "Uh..yes. Eve Saunders."

   "Please take a seat Miss Saunders, registration will begin shortly. I will be your registration tutor, my name is Mrs Harris. I hope you a have a good first day." 

  "Thank you Mrs Harris," I replied and quickly hurried to the back of the room. I slid into one of the seats. That woman was intimidating and the type of person you wouldn't want to piss of -if you'll excuse my French. 

  Other students began to file into the room now and stared openly at me as they took their seats. Their were several whispers and giggles as the other students looked back at me. I averted my gaze and let my long hair cover my face. 

  "Hello stranger," a male voice called close to my ear. I nearly jumped a mile and looked up at who had spoken. My eyes widened as I discovered it was the boy from the train; Adam I think he said his name was. Adam and Eve? I mean seriously what are the chances? 

  "What do you want," I asked cautiously. How had he known my name? Was he a stalker?

   Adam pretended to be offended."No: 'Hello. Nice to you again? Did I leave that bad an impression?"

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