Chapter 16

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Chapter 16  

"Attention everyone! I would like to make several announcements this morning. So please make this easy on us both and take your seats!"

  This was the voice of the school Headmaster the next morning in school, as Adam and I drifted into the classroom. I was tired and the loud voice of Mr Phillips was making the pounding headache that had set in on the way to school, all the more painful.

  Not only that, Adam had been acting strange since he came to my house that morning to walk me to school. I had asked him what the matter was, but he merely smiled and brushed me of saying it was nothing. Which could mean only one thing. He was hiding something; again.

  We took our seats at the back of the classroom and once everyone was seated, the headmaster ushered two people into the room.

  "Class I would like to first introduce you to your new tutor. This is Mr Sleuth. He will be covering for Mrs Harris who has recently took ill. Mr Sleuth would you like to say a few words to the class?"

  My eyes zoomed in on the new teacher; curious. He was a tall man, with longish black hair slicked back. It was hard to tell from my seat at the back of the classroom, but his eyes looked light and complimented the pale skin tone. His posture was straight and rigid and he had his hands clasped neatly in front of him. His appearance was neat and proper, as you would expect of a teacher, but the only thing that ruined the overly neat appearance was the pair of thick black framed glasses he wore. They seemed to continally slip down his face, as if they were too big and every few seconds he was forced to push them back up with two figures placed on the bridge between the lenses.

  But even stranger still, every time he pushed up his specs, they seemed to catch the light and glint in a very eerie way. It was in these moments, that I would catch a gleam of silver in his eyes. The silver colour of a sword; lethal and deadly. Something about this new teacher did not sit right with me.

  "Hell everyone. My name is Alexander Sleuth. Though I am sad to hear of Mrs Harris...unexpected...illness. I look forward to getting to know you all."

  That voice...where had I heard it before. It was so smooth and sickly sweet.

  Adam suddenly jumped up, causing his chair to clatter noisily to the ground.

  "You!" he breathed, staring hard at Mr Sleuth.

   "Mr Bennet! Please show some respect for the new teacher. Sit down at once!!" Mr Phillips bellowed.

    Adam grabbed his fallen chair, set it right and sunk back down into it. Shaking his head in exasperation all the while.

   "Adam what's wrong?" I whispered.

    Adam glanced at me and laughed humouresly. "That man...he is...Lucifer...the Devil himself. I told you all kinds of beings are after you didn't I?"


Satan? The Devil. The Devil was standing in this room, offering to teach a bunch of kids. This was a joke right? Satan...he couldn't really exist...right?

  "And oh...there's more. Standing at the door. That boy..." Adam gestured towards a tall, blonde-haired boy stood in the doorway."He's just like you. He's one of the seven people born who embody one of the seven deady sins. He is the reincarnation of Envy."

  I felt my mouth drop open in surprise. "Seriously? So he's like me?"

  Adam nodded once in affirmation. "And now Satan had two of the seven right where he wants them. This is bad Eve; really bad."

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