chapter 31- "Geesh Can't a girl take a break?"

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Savannahs P.O.V

"Hurry!!" I said in a rushed tone

" I'm hurrying I'm hurrying!" Said nina almost breathless

"Okay remind me why we’re doing this?!" Zack said as he stood up, He stopped what he was doing to take a breath and he put one of his hands on his hip and he was fanning himself with the other

"Zack shut up and keep packing! Pease!" 

"Geesh can't a girl take a break, I'm dying here" he said

“Zack we've only been packing for 5 minutes how can u possibly be tired?!" Nina asked

"Well this is the most I've done in my entire life! Okay I don't even clean my room the only reason I'm doing this is because ya'll are my besties! Ahhh" zack gave the girliest shriek ever and sat down started packing once again

I was packing through all of my pictures and all of the stuffed animals and stuff that josh gave me. I can't believe this is all over.... how could he do something like this to me? I thought he was happy with me. I can’t believe he would have sex with my cousin and then get pregnant this is just so unreal! I can't stand it. It’s been nights that i haven't been able to sleep and I always have these kind of nightmares all the time

“Are you okay?” Nina asked me her face full of concern, shes been so much help, she practically lives at my house , and shes always by my side in school when they walk in hand in hand. It just pains me to see them all the time.

“Nina how any times do I have to tell you that I'm okay? Its been 3 months I can do this”

“look its not wrong if you say the truth” she took my hand and she shook it lightly

“I am saying the truth” I knew in my heart that I was lying, but there was nothing I can do anymore

“no your not” Nina said

“shes right, youre not honey” zack said getting up from where he was sitting down and came to where we were packing the pictures up

“okay enough of this ,we have to hurry before he gets back!” I told them

“couldn’t you have been more rational I mean, come when he’s here?” zack asked me

“no because then I would have to see HIM and well HER!” I said, I was getting frustrated everyone seems like they want me with him but they don’t understand how bad I feel, and how bad I was hurt, nobody understands me!

“but you have to see them anyway like in school…family reunions…birthdays…when they get married…” I saw his eyes bulge out

“ZACK!!!!” Nina yelled

“SORRY!! It slipped!!!” zack said covering his mouth

“wait…what??” I asked slightly confused

“nice going Sherlock!” Nina slapped him

“Ouch hey watch the scarf!” he yelled at her, and soon they were fighting like usual, its their everyday routine they fight but they love each other…confusing… I know

“ENOUGH!!! SOMEBODY NEEDS TO EXPLAIN TO ME WHATS GOING ON!” I yelled in frustration, they stopped and looked at me, but they just froze

Thank god Nina reacted out of their weird little freeze frame type thing…because I needed some explanations and I needed them now!

“Look all we did was try to protect you, so were youre parents, please don’t be mad at us, we were just looking out fior yiu, we don’t like seeing you like this an-“ I cut her off

“Okay Nina spit it out!”

“their getting married in 2 weeks…” Nina said looking down and zack just looked at me, I knew they were both feeling bad for me. I felt my heart shatter into eenie bittie pieces and it hurt like hell, I was trying to fight back the tears but it was useless. So all 3 of us sat down and cried I cried because of the obvious and zack was crying because he said that he wanted to be normal, or atleast he wanted someone to love him, and Nina was just overly stressed

After a few more minutes of crying we decided to just take what we had packed

“Guys I think we should go before he gets bac-“ I started to say

“ what are you guys doing HERE!?”

I know hate me all you want, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not being able to upload, but you will see more chapters up quickly.


Did you hate it? I did! Or did you like it? :))


What do you guys think is going to happen next? What will happen to savannah & josh?


Any song suggestions??





I Love ya’ll to death, and thankyou for the support! :D

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