chapter 32- "she gave my clothes away to GoodWill"

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Savannah’s P.O.V

Shit!! No no no no no no no no no this cannot be happening!

“We were…just leaving” I  said moving towards the door. Suddenly Nina’s face changed, and I saw anger flash in her eyes

“Umm ill help...” a flash of hope ran through his eyes, and I knew that if I stared to long I would be sucked in to his eyes like I would always do so

“No thanks were good!” zack said pushing us through the door; I was moving like a zombie I couldn’t feel anything my body went numb

“Uhh wait…savannah” josh said grabbing my hand, I felt those stupid little sparks that ran through my body every time he touched my body reacted… I snatched my hand away from his because I hated that feeling knowing he wasn’t even close to being mine.

“My dad will be picking up the rest of the boxes tomorrow, let’s go guys” I told Nina and zack

“Savannah wait” we walked down the stairs Nina and zack in front of me, till his hand grabbed my arm once again

“I said wait” he looked at me with his big and bright blue eyes, I was restraining myself from kissing him

“What do you want!?” I snatched my arm away from his again

“To talk, please forgive me?” was he being serious? Sorry doesn’t cut it!

“savannah lets go, Sam is waiting” Nina told me, I was the smirk in her eyes, I didn’t have to meet Sam anywhere, sure we’ve gotten close considering he’ always been there for me when I needed him the most, we’ve gone out on a couple of dates but was he being serious? He knows I'm not ready for anything serious, or any kind of relationship at all and he surprisingly understands, which I'm totally glad for…

“Alright well why don’t you guys head out, I have to take another box” I smiled reassuringly at Nina, and she just nodded and left to the car with zack. I made my way back to our, I mean his room to get the other things that we packed, but I knew he was behind me, because I felt him…is that weird? That you love someone so much that you actually feel them? I don’t know maybe I'm insane…who knows?

“Talk to me” I ignored him

“Say something!” I ignored him again and grabbed my box that had all of my winter clothes in

“SAVANNAH!” he yelled grabbing me by arm and lifting me up, our faces were two inches apart and I could taste his sweet minty breath, I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I wasn’t going to let him walk all over me again

“WHAT!?” I pushed him, so now his back was pressed against the wall “WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?!? HUH?! THAT I FORGIVE YOU??!!!” I gave him a nasty look “then you’re crazy!” I yelled at him, and to say he looked surprised was just an understatement. Yeah, that’s right! This is the new and improved savannah Johnson, the one who doesn’t give a shit!

“Look savannah I'm very sorry but-“

“BABE! Look at what I bought!” and excited Ashley came running through the door kissing josh in front of me, and it just broke my heart

“for the baby” she said once they pulled away. She finally looked up, to see me.

“OH savannah, wh-, what are you doing here?” she asked me, her faced flushed

“i- I just came to pick up my stuff, well what’s left of it, considering that you gave most of my clothes away…to goodwill!” no I'm not lying she really did! Me and Nina were at school by my locker and she comes strolling by us hand in hand with josh, and she tells me that she game my clothes away to goodwill because she thought they were too….ugly!

“It was for a good reason” she smiled sweetly at me, how can we be related? “Think about all of the people you made happy” she smirked at me, oh how I wanted to punch her face!

“Yeah well josh’s mom bought me all of that…and FYI it was NEW!!” I said shaking my head, shes so stupid, although I'm glad people are actually wearing my clothes.

“Oh really?” she said looking at josh “ babe I'm sorry I didn’t know” she told him sweetly, but instead of telling her off like he usually did he just smiled at her…well at least they both looked happy

“Yeah but anyway I’ve got to go, Sam’s waiting” I said walking out of their room and down the stairs

“Savannah?” Ashley asked me, running towards me, well walking towards me, since she was about to pop

“Yes Ashley?” I asked, josh came out of his room, carrying 3 of my boxes, he stopped walking next to Ashley

“We were sort of wondering if you wanted to be our baby’s grandmother?” wow that one shocked me, I never thought she would actually ask me that

“umm, well uhh” they were both looking at me, and they both knew I couldn’t say no, to anyone “umm sure I would love to” I smiled but I knew it was fake

“Ahh thankyou so much! We went to the doctor and its going to be a…drum roll…a BOY!” she said excitedly

“Wow congratulations, I wish both of you the best” I smiled fakely

“You will be there when he’s born right?” she smiled at me

“Umm yeah of course, uhh see you then” I walked away

“Uhh savannah wait, one more thing” she asked me

“What Ashley?” I was starting to get irritated

“As you know were getting married soon, will you be my maid of honor?”

 You guys know the drill… :)



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