Chapter 31

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{Do NOT play the song yet!}

*Gets on the airplane*

::Alyssa's POV::

I sit in my seat beside Matthew and I cover myself with my blanket. We have a 10 hour flight. I'm going to get a little sleep. I'm excited to meet my mom again. Matt holds my hand and kisses my cheek.

"I love you baby girl." He says and gives me a comforting smile. I think he can sense I'm nervous and tensed.

"I love you too Handsome." I respond and I big smile grows on his face. I put my ear buds in and buckle up. I close my eyes and drift into a deep sleep.......

*10 hours later*

I wake up to Matty shaking me.

"Wake up beautiful. We are about to land." He says and I open my eyes and smile.

I feel the air plane land and my gut drops to the floor. What if my mom doesn't like me? What if she is still on drugs? What if something goes wrong?

Matty looks at me worried and he leans over and kisses me.

"Calm down baby. Everything will be okay. She will love you!" He tells me and I smile and have a little fate. I have to believe the best so hopefully it won't be the worse, right? Anyway, the plane comes to a stop and we all unbuckle are seat belts and grab our items and carry-on. We exit the plane I feel a warm scent of fresh air on my face. I smile and we start walking inside to our luggage.

We get our luggage and then Matthew calls an Uber.

"Can we go over to Starbucks and get some coffee? I have a migraine. I guess it is because I haven't had any caffeine today." I ask Matt. He kisses my cheek.

"Of course baby girl. Do you want your usually?" He asked and I nod. He walks away to Starbucks and I stay with are luggage. I hear a couple of yells and some girls run up to me and ask to get pictures. I smile and I take pictures with them. Most of Matt's fans are sweet and respect me being his girlfriend.

They wait for Matt to get back and then they get pictures.

{Play the Song}

The Uber gets here and we leave and put out stuff in the back and we get in.

"Where to?" The sweet lady asks.

"Oxford please." Matt responds. She smiles and starts driving. Matt grabs my hand gently and holds on to it. I smile and I look out the window. I haven't been here in Birmingham in many years. It's beautiful here. The air is crisp. The climate is warm and the trees are still green surprisingly. In Virginia, the trees and the grass are many different colors since it is Fall.

Trees pass by and I feel a smile form on my face and my eyes tear up. I don't think I have ever been this happy in a long time. I meeting my mother for the first time in about 10 years. We are completely different people since then. I remember all the pain then, but now is the future and I must keep going.

We get to Oxford and we pull up into this beautiful family home. It looks like a two story home. I see a woman with long brunette hair and green eyes come out of the house in shock but I see happiness across her face. It's my mom....

I get out of the car slowly and I start walking over to her, then it turns into a run. I jump into her arms and I smell her Chanel perfume. She rubs my back as I start crying.

"I didn't think I would ever see you again." I say while crying intensely into her shoulder.

"I knew that I would see you again. I would have fought to find you. I love you. I always have. After your grandfather passed away, I didn't know what to do. I had already lost your grandmother and it was hard for me." She explains and I sniffle.

I see a man exit the house. I'm guessing this is my step father. He walks over to us and me and my mother break our hug. He holds out his hand and has a big genuine smile on his face showing his white teeth.

"Hello. My name is Sean. I'm your step-father." He says and I shake his hand and then pull him in for a hug.

"I'm Alyssa and this is my boyfriend Matthew." I say introducing Matthew and they shake hands. He shakes my mom's hand and she pulls him into a hug.

"I want you to meet someone Alyssa." my mother says and they help me and Matt carry are bags in and we bring mine and Matthew's items to the guest room.

"What is it that you wanted to show me?" I ask and she grabs my hand gently and leads me to a room. I look inside and I see a crib. Hmm? I want over to the crib and I see a small baby. I look over at my mom and I see her face light up. I look back and my mom walks over to me.

"This is Mia. She is your little sister." she says and I look down at her and smile. I never had any birth siblings. I had Jack. He was the only brother, best friend , or sibling that I needed at that time. I have a brother and a sister now.

"She is so beautiful . May I?" I ask motioning for me to pick her up.

"Of course honey." My mom replies and I pick her up and her eyes open exposing her bright blue eyes that look like mine and my moms. I sit in the rocking chair beside her crib and hold her.

She looks up at me and smile showing her teeth and I smile

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She looks up at me and smile showing her teeth and I smile.

"How old is she?" I ask my mom.

"Two." She replies and I smile and look back at her. She giggles and I tickle her a little. Awh!

Sorry it has been a week😭😭 I have had company and I feel bad. This isn't as long as I wanted it.

-xoxo Heav🌺

He Changed Me _ Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now