6 *Josh's POV*

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I recognized the voice immediately, yet it wasn't the same as in the coffee shop. He was freer than I'd ever heard him before. That was probably because he didn't know that I was listening on the other side of the shelves.

Some people, they know, know everything
But I know that they don't know my heart

I didn't recognize the song so I figured that he had written it.

Cause I, oh yeah, I believe in love
And I hope I can show you what I mean
And I don't believe love's for me, oh
So won't you come around and prove me wrong

I want to prove you wrong, Tyler. I thought.

He played the piano with such ease and expertise that it was hard to believe it actually came from Tyler. I watched as he shook his head along with the beat and couldn't help but feel like I was acting stalker-ish. I cleared my throat and he shot up from the piano.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"No, I'm sorry. I-I just thought," I was trying to think of what to say. Luckily, Tyler seemed to be as shook up as I was. He was staring at me but I couldn't figure out why. "You have an incredible voice."

"Thanks, Red," he laughed. He made a face like he was embarrassed but I wasn't sure why. I laughed at the nickname.

"My name's Joshua. I just go by Josh though," I said, offering him my hand. He smiled and shook my hand.

"Tyler," he said, his adorable smile growing.

"I know." I immediately regretted saying that and started backtracking. "I mean, I've seen you performing at Brother's Coffee a couple times." Tyler smirked but it disappeared quickly. 

"Yea, I've seen you around there before."

Shit. He noticed me.

My brain went into minor freak out mode. If Tyler had noticed me, then that means he probably knows that by "a couple times" I mean every weekday for two weeks.

"Really? Cool," I said trying to act as casual as I could. There was a slight silence and I had no idea what to say. "So, you're interested in the piano?"

"Interested, yea," he laughed. "But I could never afford this. I mean, you know how I get my money. It doesn't exactly leave room for purchases of this size. Besides, it wouldn't even fit in my apartment." His laugh was refreshing and contagious. We stood there giggling for who knows how long.

"Was the song you were playing an original?" A blush fell over Tyler at the mention of his song.

"Um, uh, yea." He said, rubbing the back of his neck, adorably.

"That's sick, man," I gushed and he laughed. "What's so funny?"

"I've just never heard anyone call something 'sick' seriously," Tyler said holding back some laughter.

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