Bonus Chapter *Josh's POV*

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I know I'm a bit behind on this since this story had gained about 0.5k reads since then, but thank you so much for 5K reads!
I never expected this story would get this many reads and I'm so happy that you guys liked it.

As promised, here is another bonus chapter. This one is Halloween themed since it's coming up.

"What about Wizard of Oz characters?" Tyler suggested.

"I don't know," I sighed. I carried Ryan's juice over to him. He took it happily.

"How about Star Wars? I could be Luke and you could be Han."

"Who would Ry be?" Tyler thought for a moment before continuing to scroll through Pinterest.

We'd been trying to pick Halloween costumes for an hour already and not had any luck.

"Daddy?" I looked back at Ryan and smiled.


"Actually, Boyd asked me if I wanted to go trick-or-treating with him, Amelie, and Knox."

"Really? That was nice of him," Tyler said, smiling.

"Can I go with them?"

"Is there going to be a parent with you?"

"Amelie said that her mom is going with them."

"Okay, Ry. You can go with them. What do you want to be?"

"Can I be a pirate?" he asked eagerly. "I really wanna wear an eye patch." I laughed and ruffled his hair before placing a kiss to his little head.

"Of course. We'll go out and buy it tomorrow."

"Yay!" He hugged me tight before finishing his juice. "Can I go watch some tv?" I nodded and he waddled up the stairs. I looked back at Tyler and he didn't have his smile anymore.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea," he sighed. "I just can't believe how fast he's growing up."

"Me neither." I sat down next to him on the couch and laid my head on his shoulder. He ran a hand through my hair and I let my eyes shut. I'd been letting my hair grow back to its natural color.

"Well, now we just need costumes for us." He typed something else into his search bar and began scrolling. "How about this?" I opened my eyes and smiled.

"That's gonna look sick."


"Stop twitching your face!" Tyler said, laughing.

"I can't! It tickles!" He just sighed and dabbed his brush into more face paint.

"This is the last I have to do. Can you stay still for a little bit longer?"

"I'll try my best." I saw him smile before closing my eyes. I bit the inside of my cheek and tried my best to not move as he slid the brush across my face. He stopped and was silent for a moment.

"I think you're done." I opened my eyes and saw his huge grin. I turned myself around to look in the mirror. My jaw dropped at the sight. I looked so spooky.

"Tyler, this is so cool!" I looked at his proud smirk through the mirror

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"Tyler, this is so cool!" I looked at his proud smirk through the mirror.

"Thanks," he said. Our door opened and I turned to see Ryan. He had his eye patch flipped up so that he could see out of both eyes and a bandana on his head. He even had a clip-on earring. He stopped when he saw us.

"Woah!" he exclaimed. "You look so cool! You look like real skeleton people!" I laughed and stood up from the chair I was sitting in.

"Do you think we'll win Uncle Brendon's costume contest?"

"Totally! Now come on! We're gonna be late. We have to be at their house by 6."

We all walked out to the car and buckled up. We sang along to This Is Halloween on the way. Ryan always laughed loudly when Tyler would do all of the funny voices from the movie.

We parked in Brendon's driveway and Ryan got out quickly. When we rang the doorbell, Brendon greeted us. He was dressed up as a Dracula style vampire.

"You guys look so awesome!" Brendon said. He looked down at Ryan and crouched to be at his level. "And you, sir, look as if you just got off of ship! Did you find any treasure?"

"Forrrr suuurrrre," Ryan said in his best pirate voice. Brendon laughed before telling him that the other kids were waiting in the living room. We followed him inside.

"Hey, guys!" Sarah said, walking into the kitchen. She was dressed up in a long black dress and had fangs. I assumed she was supposed to be a vampire like Brendon. "You're makeup is so good! Who did it?"

"I did," Tyler said, sheepishly.

"Really? That's incredible!" She came closer to look at all of the detail.


The kids walked in with bags full of candy. They plopped themselves down in a circle on the floor and began organizing. The annual candy trade was about to begin.

"Who won the costume contest?" Boyd asked, looking at his dad.

"Tyler and Josh," he replied. Tyler held up our little skeleton trophy that read "Best Costume" across the label.

"Yay, dads!" Ryan exclaimed. We laughed and watched him turn back to his candy.

"Get any candy you don't like, Ry?" I asked. He nodded and carried us a pile of Almond Joys, Tootsie Rolls, Dots, and Milk Duds. I passed the Tootsie Rolls and Milk Duds to Tyler and opened up an Almond Joy for myself.

"What about your Whoppers?" Brendon asked.

"I like those!"

"Ew!" the other kids said. Ryan just rolled his eyes and sat back down.

Thanks again for 5K !

I am beyond grateful to all of you who've read, commented on, and voted on this story

((There will be another bonus chapter at 6K if we hit it))

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