20 *Josh's POV*

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I heard light snoring and looked at my phone screen. Tyler had fallen asleep while we were video chatting. I smiled at how his lips were parted slightly and how he would flinch every once in a while. I ended the call and got myself ready for bed.

It seemed like Tyler's lack of sleep was beginning to catch up with him and that made me happy. I had also made sure we had more dates at the park so that he wouldn't be so pale. He didn't seem to be as restless and he was more lively in his music. It felt good to know that he was letting me help him.


I woke up to a text from Tyler.

Ty <3: Hey. I think I'm ready to talk about everything.
Jish: Are you sure?
Ty <3: Yea.
When can you come over?
Jish: I can be there in 20 minutes.
Ty <3: Alright

I pulled myself out of bed and searched for something to wear. I decided on a grey t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"I'm heading over to Tyler's," I called to Brendon.

"Okay. See ya," he replied. I closed the apartment door behind me and began walking. I had memorized every step of the way by now. I knew to keep close to the buildings because of the cyclists that came out of nowhere. I knew that the sidewalk dipped lower the closer I got to Tyler's building. I knew that there would be a cat sitting on the windowsill of the apartments next to Tyler's.

I knocked on the door and it was opened immediately. Tyler was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans paired with my jacket. It was slightly big on him but he looked good.

"Come in," he said, gesturing inside. He closed the door behind me and walked over to the couch. I figured that he wanted me to follow him and sat down.

"Okay, s-so I'm just going to jump into it so that I can't back out." I nodded my head to let him know that I understood. "So, my family doesn't know that I'm bisexual. They can't know. I want them to know so bad, but I can't tell them. My family is very religious and they have the belief that being gay is a sin. So, I've been thinking about you and how much I care about you and it hurt." His voice began breaking but he fought through it. "It hurt that I couldn't tell my mom all about the guy I had a crush on. It hurt to not be able to ask my siblings for dating advice. It hurt to know that if I were to be my true self in front of them, they could never accept me. I like you so fricking much, Joshua William Dun and I want everyone I care about to know how I feel. But they just can't." He finally stopped talking and I pulled him into my arms.

"Tyler," I started, lifting his head so he could look at me. "I know you have an idea of their reaction in your head, but they're your family. Even if they don't agree with the way you are, you'll still be their son." He seemed to think about what I said but I could tell he believe it. "I could help you, if you want."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we could start small. Start by telling your sibling you're closest to. And then the next and then the next. Your siblings would probably be more open minded than your parents." Tyler thought it over and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"I think that might work, Jishwa!" He giggled and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. "But then what about my parents.?"

"Well, with the support of your brothers and your sister, they might take the news better. When are you seeing them next?"

"In three days. For Thanksgiving." I had completely forgotten that Thanksgiving was coming up.

"That would be the perfect time to do it!" Tyler's smile lessened.

"That's so soon, Josh." I placed a reassuring kiss to his forehead and told him it would be okay. "Okay. Thank you so much, Josh. For everything you've done for me."

"Of course, Tyler. I'll always be here if you need me." I thought for a moment about how worried Tyler was about telling his parents. "My parents are in California right now, so I'll be here for thanksgiving. Call me once everything happens."

"Thank you," Tyler gushed wrapping me in a tight hug. I was surprised by his strength and tapped his shoulder.

"Ty, I need to breath." I laughed as let me go. He apologized, giggling, and placed his lips to mine.

Out of my Mind || Joshler [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now