Bonus Chapter *Josh's POV*

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"So, we get to take him home today?" Tyler asked, eagerly. I nodded, smiling, and he jumped up from the couch excitedly. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I placed my lips to his. I held onto him tightly. He pulled away and beamed up at me. "What time?"

"They said anytime after 11," I replied. He pulled out his phone to check the time.


"Do you want to go get breakfast first?" I suggested.

"I don't think I'll be able to focus on food, Josh." I hummed in agreement and walked into the kitchen to get my keys. "Are you sure the nursery is ready?"

"Yes. We've checked 20 times in the past week. It's all ready for him."

"Okay. I just want everything to be perfect," he sighed. I smiled weakly and held him by his shoulders.

"I know, Tyler. Everything is going to be just fine."

"Are you sure? What if we aren't as ready for this as we thought? What if we can't provide enough for the three of us? What if-" I cut off his worrying with a soft kiss. His rigid form relaxed in my grip. I pulled away and pressed my forehead against his.

"I'm sure," I whispered. I gave him one last kiss on his cheekbone before walking to the front door. I held it open for him to walk through and locked it behind us. We walked down from the front porch and to my car.

We had moved into a house in the suburbs of Columbus earlier this year. I missed everything being in walking distance, but the move was much needed. Tyler wasn't worrying as much as he used to. I think the lack of traffic lights burning through the windows and cars honking made a difference.

The drive to the adoption center was short and we ended up getting there a bit early. So, we signed in and waited. As we sat in a pair of uncomfortable chairs, Tyler's hands shook in mine and his head laid on my shoulder. I was tapping my foot impatiently and stared at the clock on the wall.


My heart started beating faster as I waited. The second hand seemed to be moving slower than ever as the last minute ticked away. I nudged Tyler lightly and his head shot up. He looked around, confused, and his eyes landed on me.

"Is it time?" he asked. I looked back at the clock.


"Yea," I said, smiling. Karen, the children's services worker we'd been working with, walked in and we both stood up.

"Hello! It's nice to see you both, as always." (Tyler and I had been coming everyday for the past two weeks to form a bond with him.) "Are you ready?" I looked to Tyler and squeezed his hand. He squeezed back and I nodded. "Great. Let's go on back. I'm sure you're beyond excited."

"You have no idea," Tyler said, laughing.

Tyler had always talked about wanting kids. He'd dreamed of raising kids ever since he was 12. I'd never been sure about it until I met Tyler. I knew he would be an amazing father and I wanted to be one with him.

We walked into the room and there he was. Our beautiful boy. Our boy. He was sound asleep in a crib. We stood over him, a smile stretched across my lips. Tyler reached a hand down and stroked his back. He moved slightly, his mouth going agape.

"Now, can I have you guys fill out this paper with all of his information?"

"Sure," I replied, taking the paper and pen. I sat at the table and began writing.

Ryan William Joseph-Dun

"Hi, Ryan," I heard Tyler say quietly.

"That's a nice name," Karen said, sweetly. "It suits him."

"Thanks." I gave her back the form and walked back over to the crib. Tyler bent over to scoop him up. He held him carefully and rocked back and forth. I rubbed the backs of his small hands with my finger and he grasped onto it. My heart melted as his puffy cheeks peeked into a smile.

"I love you so much, Ryan," I whispered, kissing his little head. He cooed lightly.

"Not as much as I love you," Tyler added, kissing him where I had.

While I drove us home, Tyler sat in the back seat to keep a careful eye on Ryan. We carried him inside and sat together on the couch. Tyler sat between my legs with Ryan in his arms. Tyler sang a sweet little tune as he rocked him lightly. I watched Ryan's eyelids flutter shut as he drifted off to sleep.


I hope you guys liked this. I wrote this at 4am so hopefully this doesn't disappoint you guys.

Anyway, thanks again for 3k ! I love you guys!

((If we hit 4K, I'll do another bonus chapter. So, please let me know what other things you'd like me to put in the bonus chapters if we keep hitting these milestones.))

Stay Street, Stay Sick, and Stay Alive|-/

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