23 *Tyler's POV*

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It was December 1st and I woke up feeling the same as I always did. I didn't feel any older. I didn't feel more mature. I didn't feel significant. I felt like me. I pulled myself out of my bed and realized what did feel different.

This is my first birthday without hearing anything from my parents. I felt myself get sad and shook it away. I had to be happy today.

I walked out of my room and was surprised when I was pulled into a group hug. I looked at my roommates and laughed.

"Good morning," I said, hugging them back.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TYJO!" Ashley screamed.

"Happy Birthday!" Melanie said, laughing.

"Thanks, guys." They let me go and I heard my phone ding from the other room. I ran back in and grabbed it.

Jishwa ;): Hey Birthday boy!
Ty <3: Hey
Jishwa ;): I'm taking you out today. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Get ready!
Ty <3: Okay :)

I could feel the giant smile on my face as I got ready. I pulled on a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans and messed my hair up in the mirror.

"Josh is picking me up," I called.

"Aw you guys are so cute! Have fun!" Mel said, giving me a hug.

"Thanks," I replied.

"And again, happy birthday," Ash added. I thanked them and felt my phone vibrate.

Jishwa ;): I'm out front.
Ty <3: Ill be right there

I exited the building and let myself into Josh's arms. He smiled and placed a kiss on my lips. I placed a hand to his face and pulled him in as close as I could . I didn't want the feeling of butterflies he gave me to ever leave. He pulled away and I couldn't stop looking at how the sun reflected off of his nose ring.

"Happy birthday, Ty."

"Thank you!"I slipped my hand into his and we began walking.

"How do you feel now that you're 23?"

"Honestly, I feel the same."

"Yea, I get that," he said. Our arms swung lazily as we passed by shops and apartments.

"So, where are you taking me?"

"First, we are getting coffee and then we are going to the music shop," Josh said, happily. He glanced towards me and I gave him a confused look.

"You're taking me to our jobs?" I asked, laughing.

"I mean, technically, yes. But neither of us will be working."

When we arrived at Brother's Coffee, Josh held the door open for me. We ordered quickly, downed our coffee, and were soon walking again. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and released my hand from Josh's.

Zack Attack: Hey, Tyler. Happy birthday! I'm sorry I haven't talked to you since Thanksgiving. Dad had been checking our phones everyday. But I'm back at my apartment now.

"Who is it?" Josh asked. I smiled and looked up from my phone.

"My brother, Zack." Josh nodded and I went back to my phone.

Tyler: Thanks, Zack. I miss you a lot.
Zack Attack: I miss you, too. I told Maddie and Jay I would say happy birthday from them since they are still there.
Tyler: Tell them I say thank you.
Zack Attack: I will. I tried to stand up for you. I fought with dad.
Tyler: I heard yelling as I was leaving
Zack Attack: Yea... That was us. He wouldn't listen though.
Tyler: It's okay. But it was good to hear from you
Zack Attack: Tyler don't let their idiocy act ruin your day. It's their own loss. We love you
Tyler: Thanks Zack.
Zack Attack: Of course. I'll let you get back to what you were doing, though. Tell Josh I say hi
Tyler: I will. Bye

"Zack says hi," I said as I slid my phone into my pocket.

"Really?" I nodded and we continued walking. "Tell him I say hi back!"

I never really liked winter. Seasonal depression is a very real thing for me. I mean, the depression will always be there, but the cold nights don't make it any better. But, Josh was making me like winter. He was there for me in November and I had a feeling that Josh would stay for December.

We walked into the music store and he led me to the instruments. My eyes immediately were drawn to a large box that was sitting on top of a counter. I looked back at Josh and he had his hands stuffed into his pockets.

"I hope you like it," he said shyly. "I'm sorry it's so badly wrapped. Brendon and I tried for like an hour but it still looks bad." I laughed in response. I tore off the paper and opened the box. Inside was a beautiful ukulele. It was much better than the one I had now. I carefully lifted it out of the box and admired it.

"Josh! This is amazing!!" I shouted, turning to face him.

"You really think so?" he asked. I ran up to him and wrapped him in a hug.

"It's sick!"

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