14 *Josh's POV*

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I stood in front of my mirror trying to figure out what to wear. I had told Tyler to dress casual yet nice for our date. It seemed a simple request, but I had trouble with it. I sighed before walking over to Brendon's door and knocking. He opened it swiftly.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Can I borrow a shirt for my date tonight." He sighed before letting me in and pulling several shirts from his closet.

"Any of these should work," he said. My mouth twisted as I thought carefully. I wanted to look nice but I wanted to look like me. I decided on a white short-sleeved button up that had black lines on it. "Good choice," Brendon added before I left his room. I put it on quickly and began attempting to tame my hair. I eventually gave up and placed a SnapBack on my head before exiting my apartment.

I wanted to get to Brother's Coffee in time to hear Tyler sing before our date. Work had been crazy and I hadn't been able to go since last Wednesday, the day before our lunch. When I arrived at the shop I got a coffee and sat down at a nice table. When I looked over at Tyler I could tell something was wrong. He had light, yet noticeable, bags under his eyes and his hair was even messier than usual. I wanted so badly to go and see if he was okay but just as I stood he began speaking.

"Hey guys, I'm Tyler Joseph. I was thinking I might start by singing a cover of Mad World." I kept my worried look on my face throughout the entire song. Each lyric he sang seemed to stay in my mind and increase my panic.

Hung my head
I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

I saw a tear fall down his face and I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and threw away my coffee. As I walked out the door, I felt a calming breeze hit my face. I took a few deep breaths and tried to think.

What is wrong with Tyler? Was all that buzzed through my mind.

After I had calmed down, I walked back into the coffee shop. Tyler was in the middle of his second song, No One, when I walked in. I decided to stand instead of sit and tapped my hands against my legs along with the beat.

I would always play the drums when I became stressed. Recently, unless I was at the store, I would have to settle with tapping my hands on furniture or my body. After our landlord had received too many complaints about the noise, we were told to remove my drums from the premises.

As he finished the much happier song, I clapped lightly, watching a tired smile dance on his lips. He began his final song, Safe and Sound, and I became less worried. He seemed to be enjoying himself and that made me happy. Though, what happened earlier remained in the back of my mind and I made a mental note to ask him about it later.

When Tyler was finished, I made sure to be the last one to walk up to him and placed a $10 bill into the case. I watched a surprised look appear on his face as he glanced at the bill. He looked up at me and smiled.

"You didn't have to do that, Josh," he said, picking up the money.

"Yes I did, Ty. You are incredible!" He laughed away the compliment as he began packing up but I saw the blush appear on his pale face. Now that I was close to him, I could see just how pale he was and how prominent his cheekbones were. "Are you feeling okay?"

"What?" He asked looking up at me. What I said registered and his smile wavered slightly. "Yea, I'm fine. Just a little tired is all."

"Are you sure? If you want we can postpone dinner and you can go home and rest," I offered.

"I swear I'm okay, Josh. I'm excited for our date." I didn't fully believe him, but I could tell that Tyler wasn't going to give up. I simply smiled in response and led him out the door. We stopped by his apartment so that he could put his ukulele and his bag away on the way to dinner. As we walked, I looked at what he was wearing. He had on an orange short-sleeved button up that had a pattern of white anchors on it. "So where are we going for this date?"

"I was thinking about that new restaurant, Milo's. It seems nice." Tyler nodded and we began walking. I let my arms sway lazily at my side as we walked along and I felt Tyler's hand brush against mine slightly a few times. I laughed lightly at the way we acted like two kids with schoolboy crushes and placed his hand in mine. I looked over to see that Tyler was blushing and had a content smile on his tired face.

Out of my Mind || Joshler [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now