30 *Josh's POV*

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Beebo: You're coming tonight, right?
I really need you here, dude
Joshooah: Yes, Ty and I both are leaving now
And don't be nervous. You're amazing, Bren
Beebo: Thanks
I'll see you soon

I clicked my phone off and started the car.

"Was that Brendon?" Tyler asked. I nodded and he turned on the radio. Therapy by All Time Low was on and we sang along at the top of our lungs. The time passed quickly and, before we knew it, we were outside of the bar that they were performing at. "What's their band name again?"

"Panic! At the Disco," I replied. We entered the bar and went to get a drink. The woman looked the two of us over before asking for our IDs. We handed them over and the bartender looked suspicious. Finally, she sighed and asked for our order. "I'll take a beer and he'll have a water."

"Aw, babe, you know me so well!" Tyler said with his hand on my arm. I laughed and shoved his hand away, jokingly. We got our drinks and sat at a table close to the stage. "I'm so excited to hear them!"

"Me too," I replied. The lights lowered slightly as they walked on stage. Brendon looked nervous, but he quickly slapped on his signature smile.

"Hey, guys! My name is Brendon and we're Panic! At the Disco."

"Woohoo!" I heard a female voice shout. I looked a few tables over to see Sarah was sitting and smiling at Brendon. I looked at him to see he was smiling back.

"Are they back together?" Tyler whispered.

"I guess so," I replied. They started playing and they were amazing! They started with a song called Nine in the Afternoon. The song was catchy and I knew I would be humming it for weeks. After about 5 or 6 songs, they thanked the audience and the lights came back up. Brendon hopped off the stage and walked over to me.

"Thoughts?" he asked. He was rubbing his hands together nervously.

"It was sick, dude!" I pulled Brendon into a hug and he laughed away his nerves.

"You guys were incredible! You really have something special here. Your voice, the songs, the instruments. It all just works together so well!" Tyler gushed. I smiled at him as he enthused. Seeing the light shine in Tyler's eyes when he gets excited will always make me happy.

"Thanks guys," Brendon said. He turned to face Sarah and his smile grew. "Hey, Sarah!" He pulled her into a close hug and she buried her face in his shoulder. She mumbled something I couldn't hear into Brendon's shoulder that made him giggle like a school girl. Soon, Dallon was in front of us.

"So, what did you guys think?"

"You were great!" Tyler said. I felt that same pang of jealousy rise in me but tried to ignore it. Tyler told me that I had nothing to worry about and I believe him.

"Totally, dude. You guys are great."

"Thanks so much you guys!" He pulled each of us into a hug before excusing himself to the bathroom. I watched Brendon kiss Sarah on the cheek before watching her leave the bar.

"So, you guys are back together?" I asked. Brendon turned to me and smiled.

"Yea. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner!" He said quickly.

"It's okay, dude. I'm just happy for you. I know you really care about her." He blushed slightly and nodded. "We're gonna head out, but you guys were seriously amazing tonight."

"Thanks, Josh. I'll see you later." We hugged before Tyler and I left. Tyler fell asleep rather quickly so I left the radio off. Instead, I listened to the sound of his breathing mixed with the roar of the highway.

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