Bonus Chapter *Tyler's POV*

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I can't really explain how happy this makes me. I wrote this story for fun over the summer as a way to make myself happy, to better my writing skills, and to let out all of my twenty one pilots feels. It's crazy that so many people have been reading this story (and also my other Joshler stories) when I never expected anyone to except my irl Frens.

Here is another bonus chapter as a thank you !

I folded the last of Ryan's clean clothes and placed it into the basket. I carried it to his room quickly. I knocked on his door but he didn't answer. I knocked again and still got nothing.

"Ryan?" I pushed my head closer to the door and heard sniffling. I started worrying. "Are you okay, Ryan? Can I come in?"

"C-can you j-ust leave m-m-e al-one," he asked, choppily, between sniffs. I hesitated before answering. I didn't want to leave him all alone, but I knew that sometimes you just have to let it out.

"Yes. I'll be in the kitchen when you're ready to talk." I waited for a moment to see if he would respond. I heard him start to cry harder and sighed before walking away. I set the laundry basket on my bed.

I went to the kitchen to make dinner. Josh walked in soon after and placed a kiss to my cheek. I shut my eyes and smiled at the gesture.

"Hey, baby. Where's Ryan?"

"He's in his room, crying." Josh's face grew with worry.

"Why's he crying? What happened?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "He said he didn't want to talk about it. I told him he can come and talk to me when he's ready."

"Who knows when that could be. I don't want him to be alone."

"But it's what he says he wants right now, Josh." He sighed and ran a hand through his curly brown hair. I heard Ryan's bedroom door open followed by soft footsteps. He walked into the kitchen and smiled sheepishly at us.

"Hey, buddy," Josh said, bending down and slinging his arm around Ryan's shoulder. Ryan wrapped his hands tightly around Josh's neck and buried his head. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"These boys were being mean at school," Ryan's muffled voice whimpered.

"What boys?" I asked. I walked to where they were and rubbed Ryan's back.

"Jeremy and Luke."

"What were they saying?" Josh asked. "How were they mean?"

"Th-ey p-pushed me around and called m-me names. And- and they said that it w-as gr-ross that I have two d-dads." Josh looked at me and I looked down at Ryan. Josh led Ryan to sit at the counter.

"Ryan," Josh started, "those boys just don't understand. They probably have parents that don't agree with us and they told them that. I'm sorry."

"But w-why would anyone think that?" Ryan's eyes were welling with tears and I held his hand. Josh sighed.

"I don't know, Ry. Some people just don't understand. The world doesn't make sense sometimes. But we still have to live in it."

"I think I'm gonna talk to the school about this. They shouldn't tolerate any sort of bullying," I said. Josh nodded in agreement. "But just try to ignore them until I can get in a meeting. I know it's hard, but just do your best not to listen."

Ryan agreed and I sighed. I ruffled his hair before kissing his forehead.

"You hungry?" I asked. "I'm making macaroni."

"Yea," he said, smiling.

"Good! Can you get out the plates and then wash up?" He nodded and got to it. Once he was upstairs I rubbed my forehead.

"I thought the principal said this school was progressive? He said that they were an open and inclusive school and that this wouldn't be a problem."

"I don't know, Tyler." Josh walked over and pulled me into a hug. "He probably doesn't know that it's happening. You should call the school soon and get this dealt with."

"I'll call after dinner." Ryan jogged down the stairs and took a seat at the table. Josh grabbed the pot and scooped some food on each of our plates. I washed my hands before joining them.

It's been a bit since I've written for this story so I'm sorry if this sucks.

I just really want to tell you I'm thankful.

((The next bonus chapter will probably be the last))

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