34 *Josh's POV*

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I'm in the airport right now and a lady who works here thought I was a guy yay
How's Tyler?" Dallon asked. I turned away from the CDs I was organizing and tried to hide my jealousy. Why did he care about my boyfriend?

"He's fine." Dallon nodded and walked to the cash register.

Dallon was starting to get on my nerves. He was a great worker, but he was way too interested in Tyler. I could tell he wasn't just being friendly. Whenever he was around Tyler he would talk about music, which Tyler loves, and talk about movies, which Tyler loves. The worst was that whenever Dallon laughed at one of Tyler's jokes, he would place a hand on Tyler's arm.

My phone buzzed and I let out a sigh of relief. I gave Dallon a small smile before walking to the back room to grab my stuff. My shift started earlier than usual so I had time to go and see Tyler perform, something I hadn't been able to do in a while. I grabbed my wallet and the SnapBack that Tyler got me before exiting the store.

When I entered Brother's Coffee, something was off. I could hear Tyler singing and playing his ukulele, but there was another sound. I heard yelling. I looked to the counter to see a customer arguing with a worker. Suddenly, I heard a clang of a breaking glass and Tyler stopped playing.

"I'm s-sorry," the worker mumbled between sniffles. She came around the counter to pick up the glass. I ran over and helped her clean. "Oh, um, thank you. You didn't have to help me. I had it."

"It's no problem." She gave me a sad smile and threw away the glass shards. I looked up at the customer who looked beyond furious. "What's the problem?"

"She got my order wrong. 3 times," he said, angrily, using intense hand gestures.

"So, you broke a glass? Like a child?" This man was clearly almost 40. He was staring daggers into me and I tried not to break. He was intimidating, but someone had to show this guy that he was doing something wrong.

"I don't need this!" He clenched his fists and I stood up from my crouched position. He was a few inches taller than me, but I could take him if I had to. "Do you work here?" he asked, looking me up and down.

"No, I don't." He rolled his eyes before walking out. I ran a hand through my hair and turned back to the worker. "Are you okay?"

"Um, yea. Thank you," she said smiling.

"No problem," I strained to read her name tag. "Haley. I'm Josh, by the way." I held out my hand and she shook it.

"I should probably get back to work now. But thanks again, Josh." I nodded my head and walked to where Tyler was. He gave me a questioning look and I smiled back. He took a deep breath before resuming his song.

After his set was done, I clapped and went to help him pack up.

"That was very sweet of you," Tyler said, placing a kiss to my cheek.

"What do you mean?"

"Helping out that girl and getting rid of that guy. I'm surprised he didn't try to fight you."

"Me too," I said. "I could've beaten him up, though."

"Oh," he said, laughing. "I'm sure, Josh. Of course you could."

"Hey!" I shoved him lightly and picked up his ukulele case. "I could!"

"You're way too nice for that, Dun."

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