5. Marriage ~Liam~

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"Hello, my young prince," Mother said. Her voice was quiet and cold, yet and it rang across the throne room.

"Hello, mother, my queen," I said bowing.

"Stand. We have important matters to discuss," Mother commanded.

I obediently stood.

"Your marriage. We must find the perfect girl," Mother said. She sat so stiffly on her throne that it looked like her spine had been replaced with a beam. Father silently sat next to her. Mother was the brains, the powerhouse, the ruler of this kingdom. Father was reduced to a ceremonial figure under her power.

"I-I'm not ready yet," I said.

"Oh hush, Liam. You are beyond ready!" Mother chided, her voice not getting any warmer.

"Maybe," I said, not believing my own words.

"Tell me, have you seen any girls?" Mother asked.

"Well, there was a girl on the way to the palace today," I started.

"Oh, was it Ella?"


"Her family is rich. We can never have more riches," Mother continued.

"It's just that-"

"I assure you that you have picked the right young lady. I have met with her father once."


"Oh, it's nothing to be embarrassed about, Liam. It was about business, not marriage," Mother smiled.

"No! It isn't that," I said. My voice wavered slightly. "It was another girl that I saw."

Mother faltered. "Another girl." Her mouth set in a firm line. "Do explain."

"She must have been a relative or something, but when I saw her, I felt something click. Just like in the legends! True love always starts with a click that you can feel in your heart," I said.

"Put no stock in legends. They blind you from the truth. Nonetheless, tell me what this girl looked like," Mother said.

"Well, she had a normal orange dress on," I started.

"Normal?! Does she have any money? Any taste?" Mother demanded. Her own dress was so expensive, it probably cost as much as all the dresses in the kingdom combined.

"Well her hair was braided," I said.

"Down the back of her head?"

"No, there were two on either side." I replied.

"What a bland girl," Mother said. "Stick with Ella."

"But I felt it! The click!"

"You felt nothing. Still, I would not like you to be unsatisfied with your marriage. We will have a ball for you. Three nights to decide who to marry. Does that please you Liam?" Mother asked.

To be truthful, it didn't quite satisfy me. I was introverted, a secret I kept close to me. Every time I was around too many people for too much time, I felt suffocated. Still, I knew I could never tell Mother thing, so I settled with an okay.

"Good. I'm glad we talked about this," she said, getting up from her throne and leaving the room with a swish of her dress.

"She is gone," Father stated.

I gave a nod. He never talked to me often.

"I give you this advice: follow your heart. Don't marry for money or beauty. Marry because your heart tells you so. Listen to the click," he said.

I looked down at my feet, not sure of what to say.

"You can go now," Father said, sensing that I wanted to be alone.

I left him with my emotions in turmoil.


Hey after a while, I decided to make a chapter of the point of view of prince Liam. I hope you like it and please vote, comment, and follow :)                                                                                                                                xoxDinithi

by the way, on the top Paris Hilton as prince Liam's mother (the queen). 

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