8. Story ~Liam~

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It had been a few days and with the expectations of the kingdom, I had almost-not-quite forgotten about the girl that I saw through the window. I was finally through with Mother's "The ball is in one week, you must prepare!" speech and I had gone directly to my room after that.

Standing up, I saw a big, dusty book on my shelf. I knew its stories by heart, but still read them over and over. Lifting it from the shelf, I plopped it on my bed and opened it up to a random page.

True Love's Signature

There was once a merchant with his cart traveling on a cold night. He came to a crossroads that had no signs or any way of telling which one would lead him to a place where he could rest. Each path was beaten about the same way, but no fresh footprints were on any of them. The merchant's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a horse's hooves hitting one of the paths. The merchant squinted off onto the right path and saw another cart rolling along. There was a lady sitting in it, bundled up like him.

"Excuse me, but do you know where there is the closest shelter?" he asked.

She met his eyes and the merchant felt something click inside of him. Like he had found his home. Like one the freezing night, he was filled with warmth.

The lady motioned to the other path, the opposite of where she was going.

"On second thought," the merchant said, "I'd be going the same way as you are."

I knew the rest of the story by heart. It was famous and told many times with many variations, but this was my favorite. Anyone who had found love always claimed that they'd felt a click inside of them just like the merchant on that lonely night.

Had I really found true love?


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Dinithi xox

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