12. Gown ~Lily~

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Looking down at myself, I was impressed. I had never looked this good in my whole life. Jessie and I had cleaned the house next door for a week, earning enough to buy jewelry for both of us.

"You two look magnificent," Mother said.

I smiled.

"I'll go tell Ella that you're almost ready to go," Angus said.

He walked up the stairs, but within seconds, I heard wails.

"I look hideous! Get away from me! Do you even care if I go to the ball? No! I hate you!"

"Ella, Ella, please," Angus said. "You do not look hideous. You look beautiful."

We heard her screams from her room again. "I have no dresses! No jewelry! Nothing! How will I ever even look at the prince in this attire?"

"Ella, you're wearing half the jewelry that you have. You have one your nicest dress."

"It's not good enough! Get me a dress now!" she shouted.

I looked at Jessie. "Ella's having a full scale tantrum," I said.

Just then, she came storming down the stairs. Honesty, she looked beautiful. Her best dress was almost as good as Mother's old ball gowns, and her makeup was immaculate. Her hair was piled up in an elaborate do that looked like it had taken hours to complete.

Ella spied me and Jessie. "You! You steal all the attention from me! You never give me anything! You are horrible! I hate you all!"

At that comment, Mother had enough. "Ella, you cannot have everything go your way! Do you think that's how the world is? You can not take your anger out on my daughters either. You, since you seem so experienced with doing hair, will help my daughters out with theirs."

Ella shot me a furious glare, muttering something about slaves and poverty and how it all happened to her. "What hair do you want?" she growled.

"Uh, maybe a French braid?" I asked. I wasn't sure what she could do.

Ella glared again. "It takes too long to do hair! My own hair took me all morning, and the makeup all afternoon. I—"

"Stop there," Mother said. "If your preparations took you all day, then when did you do your chores?"

"I— uh, well you see, I—" she stammered.

"You didn't do them," Angus finished.

Mother's face hardened. "Ella, you may not go to that ball until all of your chores are done. You can't make my daughters do them for you while you are up in your room looking pretty."

Ella's eyes filled with fake tears, smearing her makeup and giving her perfect face a raw, red look. She no longer looked as beautiful.

Nothing mattered, though. I was going to the ball.


Hey guys, honestly, Ella looked like Camila in the photo at the top, V, C and F! Bye...


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