Chapter One : Bangtan Caramel

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Kim Tae Hyung POV

Perviously, the empty room was filled with silence and light of the sunset. Now, it's filled with songs by the rookie, girl-group, Bangtan Caramel.

"You're disturbing me. Shut if off!," I frowned as I assembled the documents and files.

"Sorry I can't. Bangtan Caramel is my favourite. I just love them. I even went to their concert last night!," Seokjin said excitedly.

I just nodded. "Jin hyung, please, turn it off. I have to finish it all by today!"

"Fine," Seokjin groaned as he turned off his MP3 player and shoved it inside his pocket.

"Tell me, what do you like about Bangtan Caramel?," I asked casually and boringly as I scribbled down some notes on my notebook.

"Their faces!," Seokjin said with a dreamy smile. He was thinking about Bangtan Caramel as always.

I frowned. "You're so selfish."

"Selfish? I share my bias with so many boys around the world, and you call me selfish!," Seokjin shouted at me furiously.

I just chuckled.

After finishing up my work, I finally left the school with Seokjin.
As we walked home, I had to pull Seokjin away from staring at the advertisement boards which was filled with CFs done by Bangtan Caramel.

Finally, we separated ways.

As I neared my house, my gaze fell on a someone dressed in black. I couldn't see his face properly as it was covered by a white surgical mask.
And, is he checking out my house? A thief?

Gathering up my courage, I walked up to the boy. "Um...what are you doing?"

The boy turned to me. His eyes twitched up which meant he was smiling. "Hello. You must be Kim Taehyung, right?," he said excitedly.

I blinked in surprise at the thought of a stranger knowing my name. I nodded. "Yes, it is. Do I know you? Have we met?," I asked curiously.

The boy chuckled. "No, we haven't. But we'll be meeting again!," he said with a slight nod.

I just stared at him blankly.

The boy said goodbye and walked away talking to someone over the phone.
I stood there as I watched him leave. What a weird guy ~

Byun Baekhyun POV

I parked my car in the driveway and stepped out with my car keys. My shoulders ached like hell, and my legs just ached even more after running around.
But this is what Manager do. And the truth is that I am the Manager of Bangtan Caramel, meaning I have to work a lot.

"Taehyung! Open the door! Did you fall asleep or what?!," I shouted out as I banged on the front door.

Kim Taehyung is my cousin who lives with me in my house. He knows that I'm the Manager of Bangtan Caramel but he shows no interest.

After a few more knocks, the door finally opened. Taehyung greeted me with a smile, "Welcome home!"

"Yeah. I'm very tired. Can you get me something to drink?," I asked quickly as I walked into the living room.

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