Chapter Nine : I Like You~

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Kim Tae Hyung POV

Jimin backed away. I stared at him with wide eyes. He smiled at me; probably the first time he ever smiled at me. Then he pulled my cheeks.

"Don't worry. I'll be smiling at you a lot now, Oppa ~ ," Jimin teased.

My heart skipped a beat.

Jimin stood up. With a twirl of his short skirt, he left. Hoseok met my surprised gaze. He looked jealous but he managed to smile at me before following Jimin.

"Oppa?," a voice called.

I glanced at my side to see a furious Jungkook. "Did you like it? Is Jiminie a good kisser than me!?"

"Wh - What?," I stammered.

Jungkook stood up with a groan. He rolled his eyes at me before walking away.

"Kim Taehyung?," Mark called.


"Are you trying to cause a rift among Bangtan Caramel?," Ten murmured.


"Enough!," Taeyong yelled. Mark and Ten became quiet and turned to look at their Leader.

"But Leader - "

"Enough! Let's go now!," Taeyong ordered. He shoved his hands inside his jeans and walked away, followed by Mark and Ten.

I was still sitting there, my heart beating faster than usual. I felt the same the way when Jungkook had kissed me; a fluttering feeling.

Jimin's lips... were... so soft~

Wait! What the hell am I thinking?! Ugh. I have started thinking weird.

Bangtan Caramel POV

"Jimin, why'd you do that?!," Hoseok yelled as he closed the club room's door shut.

"What's the big deal?," Jimin groaned as he walked around the room.

Hoseok crossed his arms around his chest. "You didn't have to do that in front of Kookie. You know he likes Taehyung!"

Jimin stopped mid-way. He bit his lower lip before turning to Hoseok. "I like Taehyung too."

Hoseok blinked. "What?"

"I have always liked him and I know you like him too - "

Hoseok cleared his throat at that statement. He felt shy.

" - But that is no reason for me to give him up like that - "

The door bursted open and Jungkook walked in, locking eyes with Jimin.

Jimin continued with his gaze locked with Jungkook, " - I like Taehyung and I will win him."

Jungkook clenched his fists at that. He got angry, even more so when Jimin left, pushing past him.

Hoseok turned to Jungkook. He let out a sweet smile. "Kookie, are you okay?"

Jungkook managed to smile. "Yeah. I'm good~ "

"About what Jimin did back there - "

"Don't worry, hyung. I don't care."


Jungkook nodded with a fake smile. What can he even say? At the least he was able to lie with a smile.

Kim Tae Hyung POV

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