Chapter Six : Music Shoot

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*Just wanted to share something funny with you all😆😆😆 I wish Tao would do that to my homework😂😂😂*

1K views already!! Thank you so much especially to ones who voted!!😇😇😇😇


Kim Tae Hyung POV

We reached the beach after an hour. I stayed quiet throughout the journey because I was just so mad.

The crew were setting up the studio while the rest fixed the lights. An empty chair rested there with the words Director written on it.

Many people had also come to watch the shoot. They were holding posters of their favourite members.

As soon as the limo stopped, fans surrounded it, yelling and kissing the car's windows.

"This is how much the people want us!," Hoseok said with a smile. "Why don't you want us?"

"Uh. Because I know you're a man and not a woman!," I hissed.

Hoseok chuckled.

"I may be a man but I am sexier than most girls!," Jungkook said confidently, raising his skirt a bit higher to show off his milky-white thigh.

Jimin cleared his throat at that.

I looked away from them, trying to hide my embarrassment. Sure. Jungkook is sexy.

The car's door slid open. We got out and were immediately surrounded by bodyguards to keep the fans away from pouncing on us.

I felt popular.

We made it inside the beach house where Bangtan Caramel were immediately sent to their dressing room. I just stood there like an aimless person.

What about my work? I hope Seokjin takes over for me for a bit.

"Kim Taehyung?"

I turned back and saw a man standing there. He looked like he was in his late forties.

"Yes. You are?"

"I'm Mr. Lee, the Director. Nice to meet you!," the man said with a smile as he shook hands with me.

"So, you're the new face of Big Hit. You're handsome!," Mr. Lee exclaimed.

I blushed at that.

"Mr. Lee!," a person called Mr. Lee turned to the person and shooed him away. He faced me again, "Sorry, Tae, I have to go."


Mr. Lee walked away with the person. Once again, I stood there, aimlessly.

"Taehyung!," Baekhyun yelled putting his arm around my shoulder.


"Let's go to your dressing room!," Baekhyun said leading the way.

As soon as we walked into the dressing room, Baekhyun shut the door. He hugged me tightly as he cried, "I'm so proud of you! You're gonna be a star after this!"

I pushed him off. "I don't want to be a star."

"Then why did you agree to do the shoot?"

"I didn't! They forced me!"

"Don't overreact! Now, let's pick out some costumes for you, okay!?," Baekhyun said excitedly.

I groaned. "Just don't pick out something that's revealing. I like a comfy look."

Bangtan Caramel POV

Outside Taehyung's dressing room, the three boys who were now dressed in short skirts and tops and high heels, were eavesdropping on their conversation.

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