Chapter Eight : Jealousy

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The music video was edited and packaged and sold all over the world. Billions of copies were sold on the very first day which were bought by the boys of  BTC-LOVE.

When they watched the MV, they were surprised to see Kim Taehyung on it. And when they saw the kiss scene, their temper bursted.

"Taehyung, you're dead!," Lee Taeyong muttered furiously as he crushed a piece of paper.

Kim Tae Hyung POV

*Next Day At School*

I was walking to my class, trying to ignore the angry glares of boys. They looked like they would murder me any moment. I was still trying to smile.

"TAEHYUNG!," screamed someone.

I looked back and saw my friends running up to me with big grins on their faces. I smiled back at them.

"Is it true!? That guy in the MV!?," Seokjin asked curiously as he shook me fiercely for a reply.

"Um... Yeah..." I pushed Seokjin away.

They grinned at me sheepishly.

"You're a lucky boy!," Yoongi said happily as he punched my forearm.

"I'm happy that I'm your friend for the first time!," Namjoon said as he stroked my head.

"What doss that mean!?," I snapped.

"Anyways, be careful!," Seokjin warned, "BTC-LOVE is looking for you; and Lee Taeyong seems to have gone crazy."


"Speak of the devil!," Namjoon gasped.

My friends were looking behind over my shoulders. I looked back too, only to regret it badly.

Lee Taeyong stood there with a furious look. Next to him, stood his two side-kicks, Mark and Ten; and they looked equally mad too.

"What is it?," I groaned at them.

"You know exactly why we're here!," Taeyong yelled at the top of his lungs.

"- Yeah!," Mark and Ten added.

I frowned. My friends glared at them as they stood beside me, ready to protect me.

"Taeyong, just leave us!," Seokjin ordered.

"Do you want to fight!?," Namjoon challenged.

Taeyong ignored them. His piercing gaze was fixed on mine. "Oye, Kim Taehyung! Do you love Kookie?"

I choked on my saliva when I heard that. "What?... No! I don't!"

"Really? What is this, huh?" Taeyong shoved a paper at my face. It was the cover of the new MV of Bangtan Caramel where me and Kookie were together.

"So?," I asked, pretending to be calm.

"I can approve of you appearing in this, but I can't approve of you kissing Kookie...whether you like it or not. Stay away from her!"

"Is that a threat?," I muttered.

"Yeah. Choice is yours!," Taeyong gritted his teeth. And then he left with his two side-kicks, pushing past me.

"What are you going to do?," Seokjin asked worriedly as he placed an arm on my shoulder.

"What is he going to do!? I say let's kick their butts!," Yoongi declared.

"Let's fight them! I'll destroy them!," Namjoon added.

I chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?"

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