Chapter Twelve: News

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Kim Tae Hyung POV

I felt a huge weight on my chest which woke me up. It was Hoseok resting his head upon me.
Why am on Hoseok's futon? Must've fallen off my couch.

Slowly I pushed Hoseok away from me. I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

It was eerily quiet; the whole house. Wait. What's the time?

Jung Ho Seok POV


Taehyung's loud shout woke me up in surprise.

I sat up straight rubbing the sleep off my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"We overslept!," Taehyung shook me fiercely.

I grinned. "Let's ditch school today and spent some time together."

"NO!," Taehyung said flatly and he rushed to wake up the others.

I groaned at his reply. I got out the futon and kicked it aside in the corner.

Well, at least, I got to hug him in his sleep. Yes, it was me who pulled him down from the couch.

Kim Tae Hyung POV

"So, that's it. You can go back to your class now."

I ended the meeting. Students left except my friends.

"So?," Namjoon teased with a grin.

"So what?"

"Have you touched them?," Seokjin smirked.

I blushed. "NO!"

"Isn't this cohabitation?," Namjoon nodded.

Yoongi glared at me. "I will kill you."

I gulped. "I swear I haven't."

"Boo! I would've done it if I were you!," Namjoon spoke.

Seokjin chuckled as he playfully hit Namjoon's back.

The door burst opened and Taeyong walked in with a smirk. "Morning, Tae."

"What do you want?," Seokjin snapped.

"A chat with the School President."

"Uh. No," Yoongi interfered.

Taeyong smirked. "It's about Bangtan Caramel."

My friends and I exchanged nervous looks.

"Let's talk in private, President," Taeyong hissed.

I hesitated. Why does he wants to talk about Bangtan Caramel? "Alright." I faced my friends and nodded. They nodded back and left the room while exchanging death glares with Taeyong.

It was just us two now - just me and Taeyong.

Lee Tae Yong POV

"What is it?," Taehyung asked with his arms crossed.

I couldn't help but smirk at him. "You can keep secrets pretty well, Tae, but sadly I found out."

Taehyung blinked. "What secret?"

I chuckled at that. I took out my phone and showed him photos that made him widen his eyes.

"Ho - How?," he hesitated.

I smiled as I shoved my phone back again. "So Tae, I know this paparazzi guy... Should I hand these photos over to him?"

Taehyung gritted his teeth. All of a sudden, he pounced on me and grabbed me by my collar.

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