Chapter Seventeen: Gone

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Byun Baek Hyun POV

"Taehyung, open the door!," I yelled as I banged on the door with all my strength.

No reply.

"Taehyung! Kim Tae -," before I could tell again, Taehyung answered, "Leave me alone. Please."

I bit my lower lip.

I had never seen my brother so sad and emotional. His voice was shaky almost like a sob.

"Taehyung... I am going to have to leave too," I informed.

No reply.

"I'll have to go to US with BTC," I spoke.

No reply.

"Tae, will you be okay alone? Should I stay back for you, hmm?," I questioned.

I don't think I can leave him alone. He's gone psycho. And I'm worried that he might do something silly and end up in jail.

My protective elder brother senses were now tingling.

Millions of thoughts raced through my mind.

What if he starts doing drug!?

Or worst -

What if he kills a man?!

I don't want that.

"Kim Taehyung, open the door! Let me see your face!," I shouted as I banged the door again.

No reply.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!," I screamed again, trying my best to break open the door but it didn't budge.

"KIM -!"

The door opened up and Taehyung appeared before me.

His hair was a mess. His eyes were red and his cheeks were wet. Yet he smiled at me and said, "I'm fine."

Seeing this side of him made me so sentimental that I almost cried.

I hugged him tightly, stroking his head. "My baby! Oh! Promise me you'll be good while I'm gone."

"Ugh. I'll be good," Taehyung murmured as he pushed me away from him; probably embarrassed.

"Then should I go now?," I asked.

"You won't be packing?," Taehyung questioned.

"My stuffs are packed. I headed towards the building as soon as I came here, remember?," I said with a sheepish smile.

Taehyung nodded with a laugh.

"Come on. One last hug," I smiled as I opened my arms towards him.

"You are disgusting!," he chuckled as he hugged me close.

"One last kiss, maybe?," I suggested pointing to my cheek.

"No way!," he yelled, flushing bright red as he pushed me away again.

I just laughed.

"I'll go now. Take care, Tae!," I said with a smile.

He nodded.

As I turned to leave, he called me again, "Hyung?"


"Take care of BTC, okay?"

"Don't worry. I will."

And with one last farewell, I left his room. As I came downstairs, his friends surrounded me.

"How's he?," Taeyong asked in a worried tone.

"He's good," I replied.

"Oh. That's nice. I'll go make him his favorite curry!," Seokjin smiled as he headed to the kitchen.

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