Chapter Fourteen: Fault

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I was too late.

He's gone.


Kim Tae Hyung POV

"Tae?," Baekhyun called through the phone.

"Where the hell are you?!," I yelled at him in anger.

"Calm down."

"I can't! Why is Bangtan Caramel getting disbanded?!"

Baekhyun was quiet for a while. "We... did it to protect them."


Bangtan Caramel POV

The van stopped in front of the Big Hit building and the members stepped out. Before anyone could surround them, they were quickly taken inside the building.

The lobby was a mess. People were rushing around with a panic as he held their paperwork and files.

"What's going on?," Jungkook asked as he gave Jimin's arm a slight nudge.

"I don't know," Jimin murmured.

"Let's meet the President personally," Hoseok suggested and the rest nodded.

They reached the President's office. Jimin knocked on the door. "Bang PD-nim?"

"Who is it?," came the reply.

"It's us. Bangtan Caramel."

"Come in."

Jimin opened the door. They entered, and the office and were greeted by their President and another man who was holding a camera.

"What's going on, PD-nim?," Hoseok asked.

Before Bang Si Hyuk could reply, the man next to him spoke, "Wah. They really look like pretty girls."

Bangtan Caramel blinked. They stared at the man with curiosity while the man just smirked at them.

"PD-nim?," Jungkook called for an explanation.

Bang Si Hyuk remained quiet.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Kang," the man spoke with an evil smile. "And I know your secrets."

Bangtan Caramel gasped.

Kim Tae Hyung POV

I sat there on the couch, as I listened to what Baekhyun had to say.

"That paparazzi got photos proving BTC are boys and he is now threatening the President that he will expose them."

"What did the President do?"

Baekhyun sighed.

"That photographer is asking for money. And the President plans on giving it to him to safe BTC."

"But why does BTC have to disband?"

"The President has other plans for them. And the boys can't live as girls forever, now can they?"

"When are you coming back?"



"Taehyung, don't do anything reckless.  And don't try to contact the boys but I can't say if it's the other way around."

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