Chapter Five : Rules!

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Byun Baekhyun POV

"Wake up!," I shouted, shaking Taehyung fiercely.

"I couldn't sleep last night...," Taehyung muttered.

"Of course you won't! Don't think I don't know about the late night horror movies you watch!"

"I'm talking about a different thing - ," Taehyung groaned in his sleep.

Just then, Jimin entered the room holding a glass of cold water. He had an evil grin on his face.

"Don't even think about it!," I scolded him.

"Trust me!," Jimin said.

I hesitated.

Jimin poured down the freezing water directly on Taehyung's face who on an impulse woke up and ended up falling on the ground.

Taehyung wiped away the water from his face, and glared at me. I pointed out to Jimin with a look that said I am innocent! Taehyung turned to Jimin who simply walked away with the empty glass.

"COME BACK HERE!," Taehyung yelled at Jimin.

"Forget it and get dressed. You're late for school!," I informed with a frown.

Kim Tae Hyung POV

"For the first time I'm late! And it's your fault!," I yelled furiously as I glared at Jungkook.

We were walking to our class and Bangtan Caramel were currently dressed as girls. I earned many glares from the boys. I had a feeling they'll murder me.

Jungkook pretended to be shy. "Oppa~ Did you think of me all night? Naughty boy~ "

"Taehyung, you like Kookie!?," Hoseok asked in a surprised tone.

"No way!," I exclaimed.

"You're red!," Jimin said as he leaned close to examine my face.

"I'm not!"

"Don't lie!," Jimin snapped and went to his class followed by his love-sick fans.

Hoseok patted me on my shoulder. "Jiminie seems cold but she is a good person."

"Sure~ " I forced a smile.

Hoseok went to his class after saying goodbye to me. I turned to Jungkook who was still standing beside me.

"Jung... Kookie, aren't you going to class?"

"I am! But first - " Jungkook leaned in close and planted a soft kiss on my right cheek.

I blushed red.

I heard the boys watching us gasp in horror. I am seriously dead now.

"See ya, Oppa~ " Jungkook had a playful smile on his face as he went inside his class.

I blinked. I didn't want to look around because I know what I'll be seeing - a group of boys with deathly glares and many murder weapons.

*Time Skip*

"How on earth did you come late!?," Seokjin gasped in shock.

"I overslept."

"Watching porn?," Namjoon teased with a grin.


"Sleeping is my thing!," Yoongi said proudly. "You're too lucky because you ran into Bangtan Caramel!"

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