Chapter Fifteen: Plan

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Kim Tae Hyung POV

"Let go of me!," I yelled at my friends, pushing them away. "Why did you stop me?!"

"It wasn't me. I really wanted you to beat him," Yoongi shrugged.

Seokjin rolled his eyes at Yoongi. He faced me and said, "You wanna get suspended for fighting?"

"Tae, I know it's hard for you but stop it. Would BTC want you fighting right now?," Namjoon spoke.

I bit my lower lip. He's right. Jimin would've nagged at me by now.

"But Taeyong - ," I spoke up.

" - needs to get beaten up. Let's go!," Yoongi interrupted, earning a loud smack on his head by Seokjin.

"Seriously, Tae, if you go pick a fight, I will beat you up!," Seokjin spoke in an angry tone.

I immediately nodded.

Don't make Seokjin angry.

Lee Tae Yong POV

How can I make it right?

What can I do?

I was scribbling into my notebook. My thoughts were a mess.
Sometimes, I felt like murdering Mr. Kang and other times, I felt horrible.

And then an idea hit me.

I almost smiled.

But for that, I would need the help of my rival.


I stood up from my seat and walked up to my friends who were ignoring me now, especially Mark.

"Hey," I called with a forced smile.

"Hi," Ten replied.

"Ten, please tell Taeyong that I don't wanna talk to him," Mark muttered.

Ten looked at me. "Um... "

"Mark, stop being a sourpuss and just listen to me!," I accidentally yelled.

"Why?!," Mark snapped.

"Because I have an idea on how to bring BTC back."

Kim Tae Hyung POV

It was lunch break and we were at the back of the building now. For some reason, Taeyong, had called us. Maybe he wants to get hit.

"What is it?!," Yoongi snapped at the other three boys.

"Taeyong has something to say," Mark spoke up.

"What now?," Namjoon groaned.

"Those photos... Yes, I took them but I had no intention of giving it to that photographer," Taeyong spoke.

"Well, how did he get them?!," I yelled furiously.

"He drugged me and took my phone with him," Taeyong replied.

I clenched my fists. Stupid. Careless. Boy.
Seokjin placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, trying to calm me down.

"You good for nothing kid!," Yoongi screamed at Taeyong.

"Please. We don't want any fights," Ten quickly informed.

"So what now? Are you asking for forgiveness?!," I muttered through gritted teeth.

"I don't know if you'll forgive me or not but I do have a plan that will bring BTC back," Taeyong spoke up.

I blinked.

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