Chapter Three : Being A Butler

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Kim Tae Hyung POV

"Sorry for being late!," I said as I entered the Student Council room.

"Taetae, had fun with the girls?," Yoongi grinned.

"Yeah. Come on, tell us ~ ," Namjoon pleaded.

"What are friends for ~ ," Seokjin added.

I shot a deathly glare at them. They don't how much trouble Bangtan Caramel are.

Between the meeting, the door bursted open and Hoseok walked in, carefree, showing off his expensive, black high heels stilettos.
All the boys died when Hoseok came in.

"What?," I asked with a groan.

"Jiminie wants coffee!," Hoseok informed.

"Can't she make it herself?," I asked.

"Um...What's the use of having a butler if the owner does all the work?," Hoseok said sarcastically.

"BUTLER!?," the rest of the students said in chorus.

I panicked. My pride on the line. "Fine. I'm coming!"

"Jiminie wants her coffee in 2 minutes!," Hoseok spoke.

"Okay!," I half-shouted at Hoseok in anger. I quickly turned to Seokjin and said, "Take it up from here."

Seokjin nodded.

I left in a rush with Hoseok by my side.

Park Ji Min POV

"Here ~ ," Taehyung said as he handed a cup of coffee to me. I was sitting on the couch like a Queen.

"Thanks," I said casually as I took the cup from his grip and started taking a sip.

Taehyung just stood close to me, and that annoyed me a bit. "What?," I asked him.

"You're gonna call me again...," Taehyung said.

"Of course! You're my butler! Now go. We're working on a new song!," I yelled at him.

"Don't shout, Jimin-hyung. He's just doing his job," Jungkook spoke as he played a tune on his guitar.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Leave!," I ordered Taehyung with a wave of my hand.

"I'm going!," Taehyung yelled and left, slamming the door shut.

"Jimin, do you have to be so rude to him?," Hoseok muttered as he took off his wig.

I gave him a casual shrug.

"Jimin-hyung is just mad about the fact that he's the shortest member, so he's taking out all his fury on poor Taehyung ~ ," Jungkook uttered seriously.

Hoseok bursted into laughter.

"WHAT!? JEON JUNGKOOK!," I screamed.

Kim Tae Hyung POV

Just when I was gonna start speaking again, the door bursted opened.

"What is it now?," I frowned.

"Sasaeng fans...," Hoseok panted hard.


I ended up serving cold-drinks and snacks to the Sasaeng fans of BTC as well. Their fan-club's name was BTC-LOVE, whose Leader was Lee Tae Yong, my rival.

"Working as a butler? Suits you, Tae ~ ," Taeyong snickered.

"Being a Sasaeng suits you, Yong ~ ," I commented.

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