Chapter Four : Sleepless Nights

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Jeon Jung Kook POV


The smile disappeared from my face. How can anyone ever hate me!? Look at me! I'm what you call PERFECT IN EVERY WAY!

"You - You are lying...," I murmured.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at me. He stood up and left the living room, angrily.

Hoseok casted a worried glance at me. "Oh. You are so dead, Kookie!"

Kim Tae Hyung POV

I entered my room and saw Jimin sitting on my bed, using his laptop.

"Learn to knock!," Jimin hissed. His gaze fixed on his laptop's screen.


Jimin finally turned to me. His eyes glanced at me from top to bottom. "What happened to you?"

"Jungkook spilt juice on me."

"Oh." Jimin went back to watching his laptop's screen again. I wonder what's he watching there so intensely. Hardcore porn?

I walked to my dresser and opened it, only to find it filled with the clothes of Bangtan Caramel. I looked at the other shelf and it was the same.

"Where are my clothes?"

Jimin pointed out to a black luggage tossed in the corner of the room. I saw my red T-shirt peeking from the luggage. God. The nerve of them to pack up my clothes!

"Why are my clothes here!?" I rushed to the luggage.

"Baekhyun did it. Not me."

"Why? Wait. Are you moving in permanently!?"


I felt like my blood-pressure was going to explode. I got juice split on me; and now this! Oh My God! My room is only mine. I'll murder Baekhyun in his sleep tonight!

"Get out!," I yelled.

"This is my room now...," Jimin informed.

"I have to take a shower!"

"Who's stopping you?"

I muttered curses under my breath as I dug out a pair of clean clothes from my luggage. Then I went inside the bathroom, closing the door shut.

God! Bangtan Caramel is driving me nuts!

I came out the bathroom, drying my hair with a towel, only to find all three of them in my room.

"What took you so long!? Ah!," Hoseok shrieked, jumping in front of me. Strongly, he pushed me aside like an insect and rushed inside the bathroom.

Jimin was still watching videos on his laptop.

And Jungkook -

I ignored him. I walked over to my luggage, picked it up and was walking out, when Jungkook followed behind. When we reached the doorway, Jungkook called my name.



Jungkook flashed a sweet smile; and, someone please, tell me I didn't blush at that.

Jungkook leaned in close towards me; and, believe me, that turned me redder. I leaned back a bit; I could feel his warm breaths on my lips.

I closed my eyes, tightly shut.

Is he gonna kiss me!? Why am I even waiting for it!? Why did I close my eyes!?

I heard Jungkook chuckle.

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