16: What Is It, October?

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"O-oh, hello, uh, Miss Pleasant." Said Crux. "If I could say, that was some trick you did there."

"Shut up." She said. "Where's Mr. Bliss?"

"Now why would I tell you the location of one of our Elders?" Said Crux.

"Maybe because I asked you where he was."

"Why would I tell you, though?" He asked rhetorically, "So you could kill him? Well, thats not going to happen, isn't it?"

"Why would you tell me? Because I asked. And me? Murder Mr. Bliss? But we're on the same side now, well, hopefully anyway. I want information from him." She said.

"If you want information go to Sorrows. She's as much an abomination as your father. They're prefect together." Said Crux. Vex stiffened. October would do something. She did. October pushed him to the wall and put one hand on his forehead, and one on the wall.

Remus Crux froze. He could feel whatever part of him that had contact with the wall go cold. He had a wife, children, she couldn't kill him. She simply couldn't. But then again, its basically the same as what she went through.

He felt it at his feet first. A slight vibration and then something solidifying, holding him in place. It was the concrete of the walls and floors. He had never even heard if this manipulation of earth. The concrete literally melted and flowed over him, instantly drying and pinning him onto the cold wall.

October closed her eyes and concentrated her magic onto this filth of a man in front of her. Suddenly, the concrete was covering him, head to toe, apart from his nose. At least he could breathe. She left him there and walked.

"What did you do?" Vex asked. She didn't say anything. She stopped walking. He did too.

"What was that, October? You cant just attack a sanctuary agent. You'll get yourself arrested for that."

Still, she didn't say anything. She dragged him into a room and whispered: "Shut up. If you keep on going on like that we'll be caught. We are just trying to find Mr. Bliss, talk to him, and then leave. Two people stood in my way. Two people were hurt. One's probably still unconscious, the other one is stuck in a wall. Shut up or we will get caught-"

"Too late for that, don't you think, Mr. Bliss?" A man said. A man called Thurid Guild.

"Not really." Said Mr. Bliss.

"What do you mean?" Asked the Grand Mage.

"I don't like Crux or that administrator. And all she wants is information." Said Bliss.

"Mr. Bliss, an honour to see you again." October said respectfully. "You, Thurid, not so much."

"Where is your respect, child?" Asked the Grand Mage.

"Disappeared as I was met with your presence." She said. Dexter grinned.

"She is not a child, Grand Mage Guild. She isn't that much younger than most people that work here." Said Mr. Bliss.

October look smug. Dexter wanted to laugh at Grand Mage Thurid Guild's face. He was stunned.

"I just want a talk with Mr. Bliss, Thurid. You can have him back, I promise. But for now I would be trying to get your little puppet out of the wall." Said October. The Grand Mage stormed off and left them to talk.

"What is it, October?" Asked Bliss.

"Venegeous." She said. "What's he doing back here?"

"Trying to summon the Faceless Ones by using the Grotesquerie." Said Bliss.

"What would he need to do that?" Dexter asked.

"Lord Vile's suit, definitely, and a secret ingredient." He replied.

"And what would that be?" October asked.

"I wouldn't know. Ask my sister, but I don't think she would know."

"Im not going to that wretch." Said October. "Well, I have most of the information I want, I'll keep in contact, Mr. Bliss. Find out that 'secret ingredient' then."

They left the sanctuary in silence. They got into Dexter's car and they sped to the Hibernian.

October and Dexter rushed through the doors and corridors of the old cinema until they found Tanith, Ghastly and Fletcher.

"Where's Skul and Val?" October asked.

"Knowing their luck probably fighting Venegeous." Said Ghastly. October cussed under her breath.

"What did you find out?" Asked Tanith.

"Venegous needs Lord Vile's suit and something else, a secret ingredient, and we don't know what it is." Said Dexter.

They heard footsteps. Skulduggery entered with Valkyrie clutching her bloody hand.

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