In A Heart Beat- Chapter Eight

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Dedicated to the thefreaksoffreaks because I love their writing! Especially Mr. Popular and I! Check it out and I hope you enjoy this chapter:)


"Abigail..." The sound of my name escaping Jake's beautiful lips melted my heart and caused my breaths to grow more and more rapid. I could just picture myself spending my every moment lost in his beautiful emerald eyes, every once in a while glancing down, watching his lips longing for my own. Every single second lost in his grasp, safe and sound, forever and always. "Abigail!"

"What? Sorry! What did you say?"

"All I said was your name!" he chuckled, walking over to my desk and examining my picture frames. "Well I was going to ask you something but then you sorta zoned out for a few seconds."

"Sorry I was uhh. I was just think about something." I stuttered. Curious I added, "What were you going to ask me?"  His face grew bright red and he fidgeted some more with the frame he held in his fingers. 

"I was going to ask you if you uhh maybe wanted me to umm walk you home again tomorrow but I mean if you don't want me to that's okay I-"

"Quit rambling! Of course you can walk me home" I teased him playfully, smacking his shoulder. I stopped laughing as soon as I saw the picture he held in his hands. It was of daddy and I one afternoon the winter before he died.

"Ready whenever you are princess!" Dad shouted from the bottom of the hill. It was a few days after Christmas. Rachel was over at a friends house so mom and dad decided that they'd take me to a snow hill to go sledding.

"3- 2- 1- Go!" my mother shouted before giving me a sharp nudge down the hill. I felt as if I was flying through the air, the wind in my face the sparkling snow forming blankets around trees around me. I giggled as I saw all the other children zipping past me, practically in tears. I had always loved the snow. To me the snow looked like a fantasy world of endless happiness and laughter. You know that feeling you get when you ride a roller coaster or go down a water slide? That's how sledding was for me. Exhilarating.

"Ab. Abigail. Watch out!"

Thud. I smacked straight into daddy, causing us both to go flying through the air. We landed in a sparkling snow drift a few feet away from where my sled had landed.

"Sorry daddy! Didn't see you!" I giggled uncontrollably at my snow covered father. "Daddy you look funny!" That caused us to both break out in an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

"It's okay baby. I'm all right" he said in between laughs.


"That ones a keeper!" mom giggled, trotting over to where we lay, sprawled out on top of each other.

"Momma did you see that? I-"

"Abigail are you okay?" Jake's words pierced their way through my daydream causing my to frown.

"Um yeah I'm fine. It's uh nothing" I sputtered out, shrinking down to rest on the floor.

"Are you sure? You've been acting funny the past few minutes" he asked cautiously. "I could get you something if you'd like" he offered, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"I'm fine" I mumbled, burying my face in between my knees. I started to have an internal debate with myself deciding if I should tell him. Could I really open up to him? Will it scare him away that I'm the freak who's dad died. I sprung to my feet, almost knocking over my chair.

"My dads dead okay!"  I sobbed, "Is that what you wanted to hear? I hope you're happy! You got your answers!" I sprinted for the door. There were a few moments where I could only hear the sound of my soft whimpers before I could hear loud footsteps gaining on me.  

"Abigail wait up!"

"No" I pouted, making my legs move faster. Clearly not fast enough because before I knew it I felt his warm grasp melting around me, forbidding me from moving.

"I am so so sorry Abigail." he whisper into my ear, tightening his grasp around my waist. "I had no idea."

"I-I-It's ok-kay Jake" I stuttered, burying my face in his jacket. "You didn't know." I felt his arms drop from my waist and slowly they inched up towards my cheeks.

"I will always be here for you. Always" his lips slowly brushed my forehead as he repeated his promise. "Can I take you somewhere? It's where I go when I just need to get away and think" he offered, intertwining his fingers with my own.

"Sure" I whispered, squeezing his hand as if to reassure him that I trusted him. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise I can't just tell you" he giggled, obviously trying to brighten up my mood. "Now close your eyes!"

"Jake, come on this is so cliché. I am not closing my eyes" I whined.

 "Fine you don't have to close your eyes if you really don't want to but it'll ruin the moment" he warned. I contemplated whether or not it was worth fighting, but his smooth hands interrupted my thoughts as his thumb on the hand I was currently tangled in started stroking my hand. "Please" he begged, giving my hand a small squeeze.

"Ughh you are such a baby!"  I teased, shutting my eyes tight. "If I fall or hurt myself this is all on you!" I warned.

"Just don't let go of me, you'll be fine."

"I can do that" I decided. "But! It comes at a cost."

"C'mon Ab! What do I have to do?" he complained, swinging my arm.

"You have to give me a piggy back ride the whole way there" I whispered in his ear.



"Sure, why not?" he laughed, gesturing for me to get behind him. "Hop on m'lady" he teased, dropping my hand so I could get on his back. I giggled and cautiously climbed up his back, careful not to make a fool of myself by falling or something. 

"Faster horsey faster!" I ordered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Remember what you said! Keep your eyes closed!" he warned, picking up his speed slightly.  

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry I remember" I complained.

"Good because we're here" he whispered, slowly lowering me to the ground. It smelled like a beautiful flower shop. The kind that has the endless rows of different types of exotic flowers. You know that place that makes you feel like you're not really awake, that you're actually just dreaming it all? Even with my eyes squeezed shut I could just tell that this was that place. "My legs brushed the soft, plush grass as he gently let me go. I leaned back to rest my head on the grass beneath me. Before my head could make contact with the grass, Jake slid himself behind me, letting my head fall onto his lap gently. "Open your eyes" he whispered. As I began to open them he brushed a loose strand of hair away from my eyes revealing the exclusive scene before me. "What do you think?"


So there's chapter eight! Still not as long as I'd like to make my chapters but I felt like this was a good place to end it. What do you guys think? Thanks for reading!:)


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