Picking Up The Pieces- Chapter Three (Daniel's POV)

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I heard a faint noise that sounded like someone had fallen down in the hallway. Curious, I slowly opened my door a crack and peered out. I quietly slipped outside the door, latching it behind me. The noise I had heard was a girl, about my age and she was sitting down cradling her head in her hands.

I was about to say something when the gril lifted her head and shouted something at the sealing. I began to ask her what she meant when I saw a stream of tears traveling quickly down her cheeks. Alarmed, I stopped myself from asking what she meant by what she had said and sat down beside her, asking why she was crying.

"Nothing I mean you wouldn't really understand" the girl beside me whispered looking me straight in the eyes. My heart stopped for a moment when our eyes locked on each others. This mysterious girl had the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen. Chocolate brown. They looked, for lack of words, beautiful. I could get lost in those eyes for hours. I quickly realized that I had been staring at her for way too long and responded.

"Try me. I'm a good listener. Oh and by the way I'm Daniel." I felt stupid that I had been sitting next to this girl for almost five minutes and I hadn't even offered her my name.

She told me her name was Delilah. What a beautiful name. It sounds so light and delicate. Just amazing. I soon realized that the tears she had were not going to vanish anytime soon so I reached for her hand and offered that she should come inside of my cabin to talk. She was unsure at first but then something happened. Our eyes locked with each others again and I instantly felt a powerful connection between us. I was hoping she felt it too. I think she did because once our gaze was broken she stood up and allowed me to take her inside my cabin.

As soon as we were inside I gestured for her to take a seat on the edge of my bed and I followed, placing myself close to her.  I could tell she was avoiding making eye contact with me because she just sat there staring at her feet. Obviously something was really bothering her.

"Delilah, what's wrong?" I whispered to her. I waited a long time without a response. I told her that she could trust me but I could tell she was still unsure. I lifted her chin so that our eyes once again made a connection. They were of course beautiful, I couldn't get enough of them. Realizing how weird that must've been I quickly dropped my hand, but locked her fingers with mine. She squeezed my hand tight and began to tell her story. She hadn't gotten far in before she had to stop to contain her tears. I had only been with this girl for very small amount of time, but the sight of her upset made me upset too. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, hoping desperately that I could comfort her. I stayed that way wrapped around her before she started to talk again. The more she talked the more I just wanted to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. I'll make it okay. This guy was such a jerk and obviously mistreated her.

"He's a jerk and doesn't deserve you." Her eyes once again left contact with mine and I knew she was hurt by this 'boyfriend' of hers and didn't believe me. I had to make a point so without a thought I grabbed her face in my hands and whispered to her, "he doesn't deserve someone like you." I thought I saw a small smile on her face, but she whispered, "you barely know me."

That's the thing, she is right I barely know her, but I feel like I've known this girl all my life. There is something really special about this girl, Delilah.

I told her that I knew enough to know that he didn't deserve to treat her that way, but then she stopped me and told me that there was some how more to the story. How could there be more? He must be a complete jerk. Trying not to get irritated by the fact that this jerk hurt her even more I let her continue.

She told me that he had told her that he loved her a short time before breaking up with her. That he had lied to her. A lie that was unforgivable Jerk. I hate this guy. I love you is such a strong phrase and he misused it big time. He told her he loved her and he lied. How dare he.

I pulled her in tight to show her she wasn't alone in this. This girl was being torn apart and I had to make it my mission to fix that. I had to pick up the pieces of her heart and fix everything. It's what she deserved. I pulled away for a moment and saw her smiling at me.

"What? How is this subject funny? I questioned her. I thought maybe she'd been joking the whole time or playing a sick joke, but then she reminded me of how we had pretty much only known each other for a total of thirty minutes. I had to admit that it was kind of funny. When she told me the rest it was shocking. I seriously thought I might actually kill this guy, but Delilah stopped me before I could say more.

I told her that she was a special girl and then she made me blush. No girl has really made me before. What she said next shocked me. She said she liked me. Delilah said she liked me. The biggest smile imaginable spread across my face, refusing to leave. So of course I had to take advantage of the fact that she had said that. 

"It's okay Delilah, I like you too" She covered up her blushing cheeks with her long, brown, curly hair which I had just decided that I loved.

Before I could even give any thought I kissed her gently on the lips. She pulled away fluttering her eyelashes in shock. I thought I saw her smile, but it could've easily been my imagination.

"Daniel I have to go I'll see you later." and she was gone just like that. It's possible that kissing her was a big mistake, but as soon as our lips touched I realized I was falling for Delilah...

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