The New Student

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     It was a very slow day at school, not like the usual fast and busy day. I was sketching a skull on the cover of my notebook when something or should I say someone interrupted the monotony of the class.

"We have a new student! I would like to welcome Alex into the class. Hopefully you guys will welcome her with open arms and not open mouths to gossip. I'm talking especially to you Catherine."

     I never knew the importance of telling children when they had a guest in their presence. I'm pretty sure that they could tell when a new student joined the class. They could tell by looking at the unfamiliar face as soon as they show up. I only glanced up to see a beautiful girl. She was not like the other girls in the class. She was quite the beauty. She had a caramel complexion with brown curly hair. I could tell that she was going to be trouble, but not for the girls or the guys in the class. I knew she was going to be trouble for me. I quickly went back to my sketch which was almost done.

     I couldn't help but smirk at Mr. Johnson's wonderful introduction speech. He was a candid guy. I can tell from the first day that he wasn't the type to hold back on the truth.

"Good morning students. My name is Mr. Johnson and that is what you guys will call me by. I will be your physics teacher for the year. I don't want lazy students, I want hardworking students who are determined and focused on their work. If that's not you, I would advise that you make the wise decision to walk out the door if you're not up for the challenge.

     After Alex was introduced to the class, she took an empty seat next to me. I sat in the back of the classroom near the wall. That was my home and I loved being out of the spotlight. I could feel her staring at me from time to time. I could see her from the corner of my eye. I guess she never seen a demon before. When class ended, I was relieved because I didn't have to be in a classroom with her anymore. It's not like I wasn't used to the stares because I was. Believe me when I tell you that I have seen it all. I just wasn't use to her bright eyes staring into mines.

     I was at my locker when she appeared. I was grabbing my gym clothes out of my locker and when I slammed it shut, she was right behind it. I didn't know why I bothered to get my clothes out of my locker when all I really did was walk around with my hoodie on my head and my phone in my pocket listening to music. I was starting to feel claustrophobic.

"Hi. I'm Alex which I'm sure you probably know already. You must be Natalie, right? You don't seem like the person everyone has been talking about."

"I don't mean to be rude, but if you have nothing important to say to me, I think I'll be taking my leave now."

"Wait! I just was wondering if we could perhaps be friends or something. You seem like a person who knows a lot about pain. I know you're putting on an act when you push people away. You don't want to get attached to anyone and have your heart broken, but you don't have to worry about that when it comes to me."

"If you're looking for a friend, your asking the wrong person. I don't have any friends, so I wouldn't advise you to be the first. You'll end up getting hurt and you know NOTHING about me. You're just like those people who believe that they could save everyone, but they fail to realize that they can't."

     I walked away leaving her in the hallway. I knew she was going to be trouble. So what if I didn't want to attach myself to anyone? It wasn't strange for a girl to use her brain rather than her heart. I wanted to be intelligent about the choices I made. Who was she to tell me anything?! I didn't even know her neither did she know me. She doesn't know the pain that I had to go through or the life that I lived.

     Her joyful attitude was sickening. She was the light that dared to shine in the dark. She sure knew how to pick out people to be friends with. It was her first day and she already made a mistake that would soon haunt her. I give her credit for effort. It probably took a lot for her to come up and talk to me. However, I still wasn't interested in her offer.

Will they ever become friends? Will Alex be the reason for the sudden change in her life?

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