Why Shakespeare?!

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     Just when I was starting to think that my life couldn't get any worse! I should have known this was going to happen. How do you go to school and not expect to get a group project at some point.

"Good morning. I hope you guys will be ecstatic when I tell you the wonderful news. You guys will be learning about William Shakespeare and his work! You will have a group project in which you will work with a partner to rewrite one of his plays to fit the modern time. This is not an easy task, so be intelligent about who you chose to complete this project with."

     I could literally say that I was speechless at the moment. I had no words to describe what I was feeling. All I could do is sit there in shock while everyone thought about who they wanted to work with. I already knew Alex was going to want to work with me because she would not leave me alone for the past few weeks. I've never seen someone so determined before.

"So, I guess that means we'll be working together?"

     I didn't know whether to throw up at the thought of me and Alex working together or at the fact that we actually had to do this project. I tried not to vomit and waited until class was over to go talk to Mr. Bennett. I was not going to go down without a fight.

"Natalie, it's a pleasure seeing that you have decided to stay after class. Here I was starting to think that you didn't have a voice."

"And here I was starting to think that your hair was actually going to grow back."

"What was that?"

"I said, here I was starting to actually like this class. Is this really necessary? Do we really have to do a group project? I wouldn't mind doing it myself. I don't think Shakespeare needed any help to write his play."

"I'm sorry, but I can't go back on my words now. You need to open up more and socialize with people, so I'm pretty sure you'll benefit the most from this."

"You don't know what's best for me. I don't work well with others."

"Well, I guess you're just going to have to learn."

      I SWEAR every teacher was out to get me! They always assumed that I needed to socialize more with people, but this was going way to far. They were not in the position to decide what was best for me. I stormed out of the classroom trying to hold back my anger. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one outside of the classroom. Now I was certain that this girl was trying to ruin my life even more than my mother did.

"So, shall we do this at my place or yours?"

     I was not in the mood to talk to someone who was so jolly all the time. I walked away before she could say anything else. I'm pretty sure she was use to me walking away by now. When school was over, I quickly went home, which was very odd because I always took my time to get home after school. I opened the door to find my mother sitting on the couch watching one of her stupid shows. I walked past her and went straight to my room. I threw myself on my bed. I always found it best if I screamed to let my anger out, so I grabbed my pillow and covered my face while I screamed my anger away.
     A minute didn't even go by when my mother came knocking at my door. I didn't want to open it because I knew what was waiting for me if I did. I decided to just tune her out by listening to music. I was not in the mood to listen to what she had to say.


      Oh mother. How silly is it of you to make weak threats like that. Even she knew that wasn't going happen. She was a lot of things, but being strong just wasn't one of them.

I always love to watch movies that end with a happy ending, but sometimes I get tired of those movies, so I watch a movie that will leave me at the edge of my seat. This is practically how she feels about Alex's jolly attitude. I'm pretty sure some people would feel the same.

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