Author's Note

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      I would like to take the time to thank everyone that took the time to read this story. You guys are amazing. Even if it's not a lot, I'm still happy with the number of views this story has. When I first decided to write a story on here I didn't really know what it was going to be about or if I would be able to finish it. However, my friend maythekilljoy pushed me even when I lost hope sometimes. This story is really personal and a majority of it is from my life though my mother isn't really a drinker and she's not abusive. I can't really say who Alex and Mrs. Brown really are in my life, but they know who they are.

      I never had a happy childhood. I had to travel a lot when I was younger and never knew what having a home felt like. I always made sure not to get comfortable. I became suicidal when I was in 5th grade. I've dealt with a lot of pain before, but I always tried to keep a smile on my face. However, I lost hope. When my mother tried to take her own life by hanging herself I knew that I wasn't the only one who felt like life was pointless. If my mother couldn't be strong, then there was no way that I was going to either. I spent many nights thinking about ending my life. I also cried myself to sleep most of those nights.

      As my life got worse, I started cutting myself. The pain that I felt in my arm was not as bad as the one I felt in my heart. If I didn't allow anyone to come into my life I probably would have been dead by now, but thanks to the friends I've made, they kept me going and gave me hope for the future. I stopped cutting myself after that and tried my hardest to stay positive, but I won't lie and say that I didn't have some negative thoughts. My life got better and I finally felt loved for once. If I could change, I'm sure you can as well.

      This story is really important to me and I hope it changes someone's life one day for the better. Once again, THANK YOU!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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