The New Bond Formed

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Saturday finally approached. I didn't know whether I should be devastated about the fact that I had to spend an entire day at home with my mother or happy that I didn't have to deal with Alex anymore. Even if I didn't want to see her, I still had to find a way to get this project done. I stayed awake for what seemed like hours before I decided to get up from my bed. I had two ways of getting out of the house. The door or the window. I went with the choice that would benefit me the most, the window.

I climbed down and ran straight to Mrs. Brown's house. They were three houses away from mines. She was sitting on her front porch when I came while Mr. Brown was inside watching the news.

"Good morning Mrs. Brown. How are you and Mr. Brown doing?"

"Good morning dear. We're doing just fine and yourself? Is your mother giving you problems again?"

"When has she never given me problems. I just came to see if I can burrow your car because I have this project I need to do."

"Is this a friend's house your driving to."

"You of all people know that I don't have any friends and I like it that way."

"Whatever makes you happy dear, but it doesn't hurt to keep an open mind. Here are the car keys and be careful on the road."

     I took the car keys after showing Mrs. Brown my appreciation for all the help. I probably should have asked her to come with me, but if this car was to crash, I didn't want her to be in it. I'm pretty sure I was fine driving by myself. I got into the car and drove away to the point where she was no longer in sight. I made sure to keep my eyes on the road at all times. I could have decided to end my life right there and then, but something was always holding me back. It wasn't long before I arrived at her house. It was a pretty small house, but it was suitable for multiple people to live in. I took in the view as I got out of the car. I made my way to the door and rang the doorbell. I was surprised when she answered the door. I was starting to contemplate what I was going to say if her parents opened it, but I guess it was a complete waste.

"Funny seeing that you showed up. I thought I was going to have to complete this project by myself. The thing is I don't remember telling you my address though."

"I have my ways.."

     I walked inside even though she didn't give me permission to. I could tell from the confused look on her face that she was regretting her choice now. I'm not going to tell her how I got the information. I'll just leave her to guess how. A stalker never reveals their secrets. As soon as she closed the door I got straight to the point. I already didn't like spending time with Alex, so I wanted to make this quick. We ended up deciding to do the project in her living room. Well, I made the decision, but she didn't argue with me, so I thought we were on the same page.

"Before we start I would like to get to know you a little better. Before you say anything, it would be helpful if we ever wish to agree on anything. So, what's your favorite color?"

"Yeah because this is REALLY necessary for the project. We don't have to agree on anything as long as my ideas are in the script."

"Just answer the question please."

"Blue. My favorite color is blue."



"Nothing. I just didn't expect that coming from you. You don't seem like the type. Well, I like the color black."

"Don't judge a book by it's cover. Look whose talking about appearance."

"You're really not as bad as people say. I knew you were putting on an act."

"We really should start writing because that's the only information you're going to get out of me."

     We started writing and got more work done than I thought we would. It was starting to get late when we both decided to just finish whatever was left tomorrow. She wasn't as bad as I thought. I'm surprised I lasted that long in a room with just me and her without wanting to kill myself. She wished me a good night before we went our separate ways. I drove to the Brown's house to drop off the car before going home. I left the car keys in my pocket since it was already late and I didn't want to disturb them. I walked until I stood in front of my house. I went to the back and crawled my way through the window to get inside.

This story might be the death of me!

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