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"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."
-Karim Seddiki


She laid silently in a small vent in the ceiling, waiting for the guards to pass. After six years of thievery, she was not about to be caught for a goddamned apple. Their footsteps were getting closer and her heart began thumping louder and louder that she could hear it in her ears. She sucked her bottom lip in between her lips and bit into it as she tried to quiet down her breathing. She crawled forward a bit away from the footsteps but quickly stopped as soon as she heard a loud groan come from beneath her. She immediately stopped her movement, pausing with one hand beside her face and the other in front of her, but then after a few moments she realized she had nothing to fear. The Ark was nearly 100 years old; there was bound to be some groaning from the vents.

The footsteps had stopped, right beneath her. She could hear the low voices of the guards, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. She let out a shaky breath and tried once again to move forward. Everything on the Ark was nearly 100 years old, groaning from the vents was common. She moved forward a few inches before the vents, again, began to groan. She continued a few more inches, barely reaching the end of the vent where there were two possible ways to go. She stayed still for a few seconds before moving to the right. A creak and a groan came from underneath her. The with a loud crash she fell through the vents and landed on the floor.

"Shit." She gasped out holding onto her knee.

"We found the girl," One of guards spoke into the radio attached to his vest.

Her brown eyes stayed fixed onto the guards as they came closer. Her breathing was uneven as she tried to push herself back, ignoring the white hot pain coming from her knee, but within seconds they had her up on her feet and started dragging her down the hall.

She thrashed in their hold. She knew where she was going, but she refused to go down with a fight. She could easily beat them, even with her injured knee. All she had to do was pull out her one of her favorite knives, which were stuck in her black combat boots, and slit their throats. But she was against the idea, she had never gone as far as killing a guard. Sure, maybe she had injured some guards close enough for them to die, but none had actually died. The way they were holding her gave her no other option but to do that or get taken to the skybox - and she definitely did not want that. So it came down between becoming a murderer or being trapped in a metal room until she was 18.

She let herself go limp, causing the guards to slow down from her unexpected dead weight. She had made her choice. The skybox. She refused to become a murderer.

They walked down the halls turning every once in a while, attracting the attention of other citizens on the Ark. They whispered lowly, wondering what the girl in the guards arms had done.

She watched them whispering about her. No one knew who she was. Her parents had been floated years ago and before they could take her to the orphanage or give her to a family that couldn't have kids, she ran. She ran and familiarized herself with the vents. She became accustomed to them only having herself for six years. But of course no one knew that she, this young sixteen year old, was the one they nicknamed as Robin Hood. Stealing from the privileged and giving it to the poor. No one knew that after she was locked in the skybox, all the things they would get from Robin Hood would cease to come.

Within minutes they had her in a metal box, but she wasn't alone. They had put her in with someone else.

The young girl already in the cell watched with curious eyes as they shoved in the brunette with no trouble at all.

"I'm Octavia." The young girl who had been in the grey room for several months already, spoke up.

"Ariela." Ariela walked to the empty bed and sat on it.

"You know, I gave them more trouble than that when I got caught." Octavia informed her fellow brunette.

"Yeah, well, there was no point. They had me. Plus, it's not like I could've ran on an injured knee." Ariela answered, shaking her head.

Ariela reached into her boots taking out her twin knives. They were easily concealed with both her boots and pants covering them. She quickly shoved them underneath the bed, ignoring the wide green eyes of her new roommate.

The girl who was known as Robin Hood threw herself onto the small, uncomfortable bed. "So what'd you do to get locked up?"

"I was born," the younger of the two muttered sadly.

"Eh, I got caught stealing apples after six years of thieving. I mean, can you believe I got caught stealing apples? Out of all things?" She informed Octavia, trying to cheer her up.

Octavia cracked a smile as she copied her roommates movements. "Yeah, that was pretty stupid of you."

"So older brother? Or older sister?" Ariela asked turning to face Octavia. 

"Older brother." She responded, letting a small grin cover her face.

"Is he hot?"

"Ariela!" Octavia shouted.

"It's just a question," she laughed, putting her hand up in defense.

"He's my brother. I don't look at him like that." She simple answered, giggling at her new friends bluntness.

A knock came from the steel grey door and a deep voice came after, "Lights are about to go off."

Both girls sighed at the same time and Octavia muttered right after, "Welcome to hell."

"Goodnight, Octavia." Ariela whispered as the lights slowly flickered out.

"Goodnight, Ariela," Octavia responded.


So new story guys! Yay!

I'll try to keep my chapter 1000 words and up.

So new story! Cause my obsession right now is The 100. I literally can't stop reading fanfictions and I can't wait till the fourth season.

I'll try to update once a week but I get busy since I babysit almost every week but since it's summer I should be able to update at least once every two weeks.

Song of the chapter is Wild Wild World by Set It Off

I hope you guys like my story! Comment, Vote, & Follow!
So long until next time!
Rios signing off.

Robin Hood ¥ BELLAMY BLAKEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora