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"We are all broken, that's how the light gets in."
-Ernest Hemingway


They all ran from the river, away from the perfectly, accurate spear-throwing grounder. Ariela was the last person running. Her limp was slowing her down, but she ignored the pain as she ran forward. She watched from behind as they all ran forwards, Octavia pausing every few seconds to make sure she was still there before continuing on her path. Clarke was right in front of her having stopped to turn back and been pulled by Finn to move forward.

Monty ran in front of everyone, running the fastest to get away from his dead best friend, but was stopped in the process by a tree root in the ground.

They all stopped beside him, Octavia and Finn bent down next to him whispering breathlessly for him to get up. Clarke was the first one to notice the bones on the floor and when Finn and Octavia helped Monty up they saw the bones.

"Who are they?" Finn asked looking down at the bones, his eyebrows pulled together.

Ariela who stood behind the trio looked past them and down to the bones. Her eyes widened as she faced the skeletons before her. She watched the blonde pick up a skull, keeping in the disgusted sound she wanted to give.

"What are they?" She corrected him as she stared at the skull in her hands.

They all stared at Clarke as Octavia said, "We are so screwed."

Ariela grabbed Octavia's arm as she walked closer to them. Ariela opened her mouth to comment on the skull when a loud scream was heard.

"Jasper," Ariela muttered with an incredulous look on her face just as Clarke said, "Jasper! He's alive."

Ariela turned around and went back the way the came with Clarke in tow. She heard Finn and Octavia screaming for her and Clarke to wait, but neither girls listened to them. Within in minutes they were back at where they had started, Finn grabbed both girls before they could leave the cover of the forest.

"He was right there," Clarke said.

"No, where is he?" Monty asked the others as if they knew.

"Oh god. They took him." Ariela gasped.


The group that was made of six arrived back at camp with only five. They had arrived just in time to see Wells holding Murphy against his chest with a knife against Murphy's neck. Clarke stormed forward and demanded that Wells let him go, which he complied.

Murphy went to attack Wells once again but was stopped when Bellamy grabbed a hold of him.

"Enough," he told Murphy. He turned his head to the side and caught sight of Ariela being helped by Octavia down the small hill. "Ariela. Are you all right?"

"Yeah. No problem here. Almost drowned and got eaten by a snake, but I'm good," she replied a bit too sarcastically for Bellamy's taste as he went to help his sister hold her. Once he had turned away she allowed herself to look him over. His hair that was once slicked back was now fallen in curls, he was dressed in normal clothes instead of the guard uniform, and his confidence was at a hundred percent once he turned to the others.

"Where's the food?" Bellamy asked the rest of the group.

"We didn't make it to Mount Weather," Finn informed his as he sat down on a log.

"What the hell happened out there?" Bellamy questioned.

"We were attacked," Ariela spoke up from her spot next to Bellamy.

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