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"Take every chance you get in life, because something's only happen once."
-Karen Gibbs


"Do you think the fogs gone?" Ariela asked Bellamy.

Her brown eyes were focused on the dark entrance of the cave they had been trapped in all night. Ariela had fallen asleep a few minutes after her and Bellamy's encounter and had awoken feeling the cold air enter the cave. 

Her hopes of the fog disappearing rose when a few rays of sun entered the cave entrance.

He shrugged and walked to the cave entrance followed by the two girls, all of them wanting to leave the dark cave they were in. His head went first making sure the air was clear of the acid fog, then his body followed.

The two girls followed him as he continued out when the heard him say it was clear. Ariela and Charlotte walked to him, one by each side, as the looked around for an sign of danger and the others the had lost.

"Anybody out here?" Bellamy shouted into the woods, hoping for a response from one of the guys. "Jones?"

An answer was heard to the right of them and all three of them followed the sound. The walked though a few bushed before finding them on a path towards them.

"Lost you in the stew. Where'd you go?" Bellamy asked.

He wasn't the only one wondering where the had gone and survived the acid fog.

"Made it to a cave down there," Jones answered once they all stood right in font of each other. "The hell was that?"

Ariela's head turned to the side. She wondered why Jones had asked them that. Obviously, just like them, they wouldn't know having only been on the ground for a few days.

"I don't know." Bellamy stated. "Where's Atom?" The three teenagers in front of the leader looked clueless.

Jones widening his eyes shrugged answering Bellamy. "Thought he was with you."

Ariela watched as Charlotte wandered off and followed the young girl to protect her. Ariela left silently no one noticing the two girls left as the other four thought of where the missing teenager could be. The brunette watched as Charlotte paused staring down the small hill that was only a few feet ahead of her and began to scream. Robin Hood ran forward grabbing hold of the girl and stepping in front of her trying to assess the scene that laid ahead of them.

Down where the hill met the straight floor laid Atom. The boy was covered in burns and blisters. His breathing was shallow as he tried to breathe. He barely moved as he looked up at the two girls that stood at the top of the small him.

A large arm wrapped around Ariela's front pushing her and the younger girl back from the edge. Ariela's eyes were wide with terror. Nothing that has happened to her has ever prepared her for what she had just seen.

Bellamy let out a sigh filled with disappointment, "Son of a bitch. Atom."

Bellamy jogged forward quickly leaving the two girls a few steps behind. Ariela quickly covered Charlotte's view of the burned boy, hoping to save the young girl of this trauma. Ariela watched Bellamy crouch down next to the younger boy. Bellamy held his hand over Atom afraid to touch him.

The two girls watched as Atom mumbled something to Bellamy. Ariela took a few steps closer wanting to know what the young boy was muttering to Bellamy. The closer she got the better she could hear and as soon as she heard the two words leave the young boys mouth, she let out a small gasp and stumbled back.

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