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"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
-To Kill A Mockingbird


The sun had gone down and the only light came from the fire that was set in the middle of the camp. Most people had gone to sleep seeing as there was nothing else to do. Most people that were awake were complaining about the moaning and half-dead Jasper who was currently laying on the top floor of the drop ship in pain.

Ariela had gone to check on Jasper almost every hour for the past day and he was neither getting better or worse, but he was a live and that was all that mattered to her. Clarke was doing all she could with the limited supplies they had but without real medicine there was nothing else they could do. Ariela simply wished that she could do something more to help but her strength was was weapons and fighting, not medicine.

"So what's going on between you and my brother?" A voice startled Ariela out of her thoughts.

Ariela looked up to find Octavia looking down at her with her weight on one leg, her arms crossed across her chest, and one her perfectly shaped eyebrows raised.

"What're you talking about?" Ariela questioned quickly, a little too quickly.

"The kiss?" Octavia stated as if asking a question. Ariela opened her mouth to respond but was cut off as Octavia continued talking. "Don't even try to deny it. Someone told they saw you and Bellamy kissing."

"It was just a kiss," Ariela informed the youngest Blake sibling afraid about what she would say about her and the eldest Blake.

Octavia scoffed, "Yeah, sure. What about all the longing looks that you and Bell send each other when you think the other person isn't looking?"

"Now that, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I think you guys would look cute together," Octavia grinned at the idea of her brother and best friend together.

Ariela's heart fluttered at the idea of being with Bellamy. Of being able to kiss those plump pink lips of his and having that man all to herself, but he wasn't that type of man. In the few days that they had landed on earth, she had already heard the talk of the girls that he had slept with.

"Not gonna happen, O." Ariela sung.

Octavia plopped herself down next to Robin Hood and let out a deep sigh. "It'll happen whether you want it to or not. I can tell my brother likes you."

Ariela shook her head, denying what Octavia had just said, "I'm probably just another girl to him." Ariela paused wanting to say more but biting her tongue. "I'm going to go check on Jasper."

Ariela stood quickly and ran off before Octavia could even respond to her. She stopped running once she was a few feet away from the drop ship and she could see the blonde doctor coming out of it.

"How is he?" Ariela asked.

Clarke sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "He's still the same."

Ariela let out a frustrated sigh. Despite the fact that he was still alive, she just wished that her savior would get better. He was one of the good guys, and down here they need more guys like him.

"No!" A small voice screamed out in panic.

Both girls turned their head in the direction of the voice and quickly glanced at each other. After another scream they headed towards the voice and in one movement, Ariela had her knives in her hands ready to defend herself and Clarke if necessary. They followed the screaming to a child behind a tree, She was squirming around like she was having a nightmare.

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