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  "We are stronger in the places we have been broken."
-Ernest Hemingway 


Ariela walked silently in the middle of the group. Bellamy and Murphy were carrying the dead panther that was now being carried in a piece of parachute that Wells had brought. They were close to camp, enough that could hear the chattering of the people. Clarke was leading them through the forest, determined to get back and help Jasper, she was followed by Finn who happened to be carrying the lanky boy on his shoulders as if he weighed a feather. Ariela followed a few steps behind with her knives in her hand and her mind on alert for anymore wild animals or grounders. Behind Ariela were Bellamy and Murphy who walked side by side with the dead cat.

It had taken a few hours of walking but finally they had arrived. People surrounded them -mostly Bellamy and Murphy- waiting to hear what was happening.

Clarke continued forward, heading to the drop ship with Finn in tow. Her mind was on Jasper and Jasper only.  Octavia ran up beside and looked at the limp boy on Finn's shoulders.

"Is he-" Octavia started.

"Not yet," Ariela spoke as she caught up to her best friend.

Ariela turned to Bellamy as he and Murphy came in dropping the dead panther into the floor. People surrounded them curious to see what had been brought back to camp. Octavia jogged up to be next to her brother looking down at the parachute in wonder.

When the two boys dropped the parachute, it uncovered itself to show the panther in it. Everyone started chattering in excitement.

"Who's hungry?" Bellamy shouted out to the group of people.

Everyone began cheering with excitement as they looked around at each other. Ariela grabbed Bellamy's arm and smiled up at him as he looked down at her. Once Bellamy had announced that they would have to wait a while for the animal be skinned and cooked for them to all eat, everyone dispersed.

"Murphy, get some guys and get the food ready," Bellamy demanded and left the group.

Octavia grabbed Ariela's arm and dragged her over to a quiet section.

"So do I have something to tell you," Octavia beamed.

Ariela looked at her friend with confused eyes, "What?"

Octavia then told her about Atom and watched with amusement as her best friend began smiling widely as the story finished.

"So," Ariela started her smiling widening, "I got to make up a ship name." Ariela paused. "Octom, Actavia."

Octavia giggled, "Those are horrible names."

"Well you try making up some on the spot," Ariela responded. "Can I meet him?"

Octavia nodded and began leading Ariela to an area behind the drop ship. They were stopped a few times by others asking Ariela how the trip was and if they had encountered anything dangerous other than the cat.

"Can I borrow Ariela for a bit?" Octavia was forced to stop by her older brother. Octavia turned to Ariela as if asking her if that was fine.

"Yeah. I'll meet up with you later, okay?" Ariela assured the younger Blake.

Octavia smiled at them and glance between them both. She muttered a quick 'see you later'. Bellamy started walking with Ariela by his side.

"So? You wanted to talk?" Ariela looked up to the boy beside her.

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