Chapter 9

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"Carter, is there anything you want to tell me?"

It was Carter's daily session with his shrink, and they'd just discussed his diet plan for the hundredth time. Ever since he'd been admitted to the rehab centre, his calorie intake had increased from 100 to 500 a day. That was still incredibly low. Dr. Dev had tried her hardest to get him to eat, but he was too stubborn for his own good. But they had to be patient with him. He would eventually start eating again, he just needed to find his motivation.

Apart from discussing diet plans, Carter and his therapist even discussed his mental health. Carter loved Dr. Dev, it was so easy to talk to her, about anything. He could talk to her about every issue, from first world problems to his mother. When Vivian had left, the only would who could get him to talk was Dr. Dev. She knew every bit of his sob story. He trusted her with everything, mainly because of doctor-client confidentiality, but also because she knew exactly what advice to give. Apparently psychiatrists were great at that.

"Well, nothing's happening in my life that's worth talking about, really," he said.

"How about Vivian?"

"Doc, I've already told you everything about her. She hurt my feelings, broke my heart, came back and pretended like everything was okay, and I forgave her, because you do that for the people you love. I don't want to be petty, and now maybe we can start over."

"I'm glad to see you this optimistic. But isn't there something else bothering you?"

He shrugged. "Should there be?"

"Well," she said, crossing her legs, "this puts you in an awkward situation with Morgan."

"Um, how, exactly?"

"Well, let's say the two of you had the potential to be something more than 'just friends'. But with Vivian back, is that still a possibility?"

Carter sat up. "Woah, woah, woah, hold on a minute. Are you suggesting that Morgan and I have a thing for each other?"

"You spend approximately forty-five minutes of a two-hour session talking only about Morgan."

"That's not true."

"You spent the first half an hour of today's session talking about how Morgan is the nicest person you've met, and it's beautiful to see how she's connected with Cassandra."

"No, I didn't."

Dr. Dev smirked. "I believe your exact words were, 'Morgan Livingston is an inspiration to the world, and I am so glad she exists in my life'."

Carter felt his cheeks heating up. "Well, I am. She is an amazing person, there's no denying that. But that doesn't necessarily mean I have a crush on her."

"She feels the same way about you."

"Really?" he asked, a little too excitedly. "She talks about me? What did she say?"

"You know I can't discuss patients. I will tell you this though. If you do get the opportunity, don't throw it away. You're good for each other."

Carter bit his lip. He wasn't going to deny the fact that Morgan made him feel different, not like how a friend would. It definitely wasn't love, not yet anyway. It was more like a platonic affection. He still needed time to figure it out, but what he knew for sure was that Morgan was someone who was worth keeping in his life. She did make him feel better, and he needed someone like that.

"Well, thanks Doc, for your valuable relationship advice."

She laughed. "You're quite welcome, Carter."

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