The Virgin Alfie

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You think death is the end? Everything has to go somewhere, even dead souls. Human souls end up in Heaven, some end up in Hell. But where do angels and demons go when they get shanked with a blade? My name is Samandriel, and I found that out when my brother Castiel killed me...

Samandriel, or 'Alfie' as the name badge on his Wiener Hut uniform read, opened his eyes as he stared up into the sky. He held his hands in front of his face, not seeing the hands that God had created for him, but the human hands of the young man he had possessed on Earth. It didn't take Samandriel to realize that his grace was completely gone, leaving him powerless and weak. While his vessel's owner had gone on to Heaven, Samandriel himself was left with an empty shell that his angel form had bonded with after having lost his grace. Samandriel was now nothing more than a dead mortal.

The former angel sat up, looking around the wide open wooded area as one word crossed his lips.


I had heard the rumors that this is where angels and demons go when they die, but I didn't believe it. When an angel or demon gets killed on Earth, or Heaven, or Hell, we lose all of our grace or demonic power. Without my grace, I'm weaker now than my host was before I possessed this boy.

I didn't know much about Alfie outside of the glimpses I saw of his memories. I tried not to pry too much, I didn't want to invade his privacy, but from what I saw he was a good child. He loved his parents, even though they were divorced, and he adored his little sister. He wasn't the smartest kid, but he was loyal and a hard worker. When I found him, he was praying for a way to help his parents find their way back to each other. It didn't take much convincing for him to let me in.

I can still see the memories I saw before, like learning to ride a bike, his extremely awkward first kiss when he ended up missing the girl completely, and his very first taste of ice cream, but anything else? No, Alfie must have gone straight to heaven after my host vessel died. This body is mine now, for better or worse. Without any grace or powers, I am trapped in this form, which is bad if I run into trouble here. Alfie's body lacks any form of physical strength to fight off whatever will come after me here. I just hope I can run if it comes down to it.

"Angel!" a voice shouted as Samandriel turned around. A horrific smirk crossed his face. "The virgin."

Samandriel started running as fast as his weak human legs would carry him. He didn't realize how badly out of shape his host was as he started to tire quickly. He finally lost the demons and rested against a tree, breathing heavily.


Six months I've been stuck here, and I've learned that this place is not only inhabited by fallen angels and demons, but by Leviathans and other monsters as well. I've survived the best I could, but in this place, that's not enough. I've run across several familiar faces, but I've yet fo find a friendly one. Because my loyalties lay with Castiel, I am seen as an enemy here. Word travels fast, so everyone wants my head now. The problem gets worse when you realize that since everyone here is already dead, losing your head means you still live, just... without a body.

Those that were loyal to Castiel that came here were swayed by those who blame him for their banishment here. I am truly alone here, but I shall remain loyal to my brother.


I lost my shoe today outrunning a pack of vampires. I've lost track of how long I've been here, but it doesn't matter. Purgatory is an endless place, so no matter how far I run or try to fight, everyone hates the sight of me. I wish I could get out of this place, but escape from Purgatory is impossible unless you're a Winchester.

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