Let It Be, Part 3

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Seven-year-old Adam could only see the dim lights over him as he was wheeled down the hallway. The boy had been struck by a car and had been clinging to what little life he had left. He would have died of organ failure had someone not stepped in with an offer to save his life.

"It's going to be okay," an echoing voice told him. Adam couldn't tell who it was talking to him, the voice was so distant as the child drifted closer to death. Soon Adam was laying on a table as two men in surgical masks stood over him.

"Just hang on, Adam," one of the men said as he held up a rib spreader. "By the time we're done, you're going to be a whole new man."


Adam bolted up in the bed, seeing it was daylight outside. He wasn't sure what was a dream and what was real anymore, given that he'd seen his mother alive and well downstairs just last night. Was she real and his friends Ben and Alfie were the figments of his imagination? Or were they real, and he'd only just imagined seeing his mother? Looking at the alarm clock, Adam saw it was after nine a.m.

"Damn!" Adam said as he looked around for his phone, which was missing. Then came the horrifying realization that he was laying on the bed with no shirt or shoes, knowing that he'd gone to sleep fully dressed. He also had a cut along his upper chest, where blood had recently dried on it.

Adam got off the bed but fell forward as he realized his ankle had been chained to the bedpost. The door opened, revealing the other Adam, standing there with Adam's clothes and cell phone crammed into a bag.

"Okay, I guess this is a thing that's happening," Adam said as he stood up. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Adam. You sleep like a rock. You didn't even wake up when I cut you."

"You can't be Adam," Adam said as the other Adam lifted his shirt, revealing a scar on his chest that the real Adam didn't have. A scar from having surgery as a seven-year-old after being struck by a car. Adam looked down at his chest, remembering that the angels had healed every scar and wound he'd had when they raised him from the dead. "Where are my things?"

"Right here in this bag. Sorry, had to cut your shirt off of you to see what you really are. No scars? No monster blood? You seem to be 100% human, but a full dissection should tell us the truth."

"I am 100% human, you dick!"

"I don't know what you are, or who those two losers are in the basement, but we're going to cut all three of you open this afternoon and scoop out all of those organs. You'll get to live forever, in a sense."

"I've survived a lot more than being half-naked in my own bedroom," Adam told him. Well, except for the one time when his mother walked in on him during a Baywatch marathon. Adam couldn't look into his mother's eyes for a week after that."When I get free, I'm coming for you, whatever you are."

"I'll be waiting," other Adam as he looked at his double. "See you around."

Adam grabbed the lamp and tossed it at the door as other Adam just laughed as he walked away. The real Adam tugged at his chained ankle, hoping Ben and Alfie were okay, and that's when he saw the angel blade sticking out from under the bed.


"Okay, so based on everything that's happened so far," Ben said as he saw daylight coming through the basement window. "What's your theory, Alfie?"

"I don't know about Adam, but I'm guessing that when his mother had been raised, she had been brought back without a soul," Alfie told him. "That would explain why she was perfectly fine with dragging you downstairs and tying you up."

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