Interview With The Alpha Vampire Part Four

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Earlier Today

Jesse got to his feet and stumbled around a bit before focusing all of his energy on fixing onto Lucifer's location in the universe. He finally found something and started opening a portal. That's when he felt something in his pocket, pulling out the charm just as Lucifer stepped through the open crack in time and space.

"Whew! It does feel good to be back!" Lucifer said as he saw Jesse, opening his arms. "My boy! Come on, bring it in for the old man."

Jesse was nervous at first, but slowly approached Lucifer, letting him hug the boy who'd opened the portal. "I'm not going to question why you're shirtless every time I see you, but hey, it's your life."

"So... now what?" Jesse asked nervously.

"Well," Lucifer said as he pulled away slightly and looked into Jesse's eyes with a smirk. "Now I go find my biological son who is in every way, shape and form superior to you," Lucifer said while putting his hands on Jesse's shoulders. "Unfortunately this also means that I only need one uber-powerful child running around so--"

Without missing a beat, Lucifer snapped Jesse's neck, watching him fall to the ground with his eyes wide open. Lucifer started whistling as he stepped over Jesse's dead body before disappearing into the sunset moments later.

"I could go for a burger right now," Lucifer said to himself. "Wonder if Big Kahuna Burger is open late."

As Jesse lay there in the grass, the charm still being clutched tightly in his hand, started to glow, reviving Jesse and bringing life back to him. Unfortunately, a glowing stream of energy chose that moment to enter his body. His eyes glowing white as he opened them, Jesse sat up and looked at his hands.

"That was easier than I thought..," Jesse stood up and stretched before pausing. "Don't fight it, boy. I am immensely more powerful than you. Just relax and enjoy what happens next."


Three Months Earlier

"I think my brother's upcoming wedding is stressing me out more than anything," Mike told the doctor. "I've been having bad stress headaches lately."

The doctor looked at the x-ray as he approached Mike. "I'm afraid it's something worse than a mere headache. You have a brain tumor, Mr. Colby. Have you experienced any head trauma recently?"

"Well," Mike thought about all the hunts over the last few years where he'd taken hits to the head. "I have hit my head a few times. How long do I have, doc?"



"It's inoperable," Mike told the group as they stood outside the Alpha Vampire's mansion. "All I can do is take medication to keep the headaches at bay."

"How long do you have?" Prometheus asked.

"I should have been dead a month and a half ago," Mike told them. "But I'm not going to lay down and die. Asher needs me. My friends need me. I can go anytime, but... something in me just wants to keep fighting."

"And you're here to gloat?" Ritchie asked as he looked at Cole.

"I'm not here to gloat or take joy, I'm here to do my job," Cole told the group. "And apparently that job now includes the lot of you. Once any of you dies, it doesn't matter how, I have to personally escort you to the Empty. You guys are tied to Ben and his friends now, meaning that any one of you could screw up the natural course of things if you died and somehow... came back. The Empty is the only option for the lot of you."

"So... no Heaven?" Ritchie asked.

"Heaven's just a 'greatest hits' album anyway," Cole told them. "You wouldn't be missing much."

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